
At the detention center.

Vicky and the girls had just returned from the field and were eating at the cafeteria when Romeo walked in and sat beside the girls. 

"Hi Romeo, it's been a long time, where have you been?" Radnah asked. 

"Don't even ask....How is your work going?" He changed the topic. 

"Not bad, although we don't know what exactly we are doing." The girls sighed, well except Vicky who was focused on eating, of course. 

"I never for once doubted that you girls wouldn't be able to do anything on that land. If you are not able to plant anything before your two weeks detention time is off, then your detention time will be extended." He said which got all the girls grumbling and cursing. Except for Vicky. It didn't even look like she was at the same table as them. 

"Oh, I have been meaning to ask you girls, why haven't I been seeing one of you? You girls came in five so, how come I'm seeing four each time, where is the last one?"