Ruining Ruolan's image

At the Tang Mansion…

Doppelganger got downstairs wearing a mini peach flair gown, heels, and a channel black purse. Her hair was let down and her face was covered in makeup. She looked totally different from how Ruolan would look. 

She walked down the stairs with her head held high. The servants were surprised to see their young miss finally agreeing to act like a normal young lady.

The Doppelganger walked towards the door. However, before she could step out, the butler stopped her on her track. 

"I'm sorry miss, you cannot go out dressed like that." The old man said.

"I beg your pardon?" 

"Eldest Miss instructed that you don't go out, especially when you are badly dressed."

"But my sister isn't home right now. She traveled, right and I'll be back before she gets back, it's a promise. Please let me go." She pleaded with puppy eyes