
Outside the party, Su Tang was about to enter her car when the driver suddenly drove off. She stood rooted to her spot as she stared at her disappearing Rolls Royce phantom car without knowing what to feel. 

A few minutes later, a voice spoke from behind her. "It seems you are stranded, I can give you a lift." Lu Feng's voice sounded. 

Su Tang ignored him and started to walk down the road while a black car walked followed by her side. 

Tired of hearing Lu Feng's incessant rambling, she stopped to face the car and the moment she stopped, a bullet flew past her and pierced into the pole behind her.

Lu Feng hurriedly opened the door and pulled her into the car by her arm. 

Once the door was shut, Movi drove the car away at full speed. 

Su Tang stared dazedly at Lu Feng before she turned her head to look at the window. Did she just accidentally dodge a bullet? 

Lu Feng whipped out his phone and sent a message to Abel.
