Concealed emotions

"Calm down brother-in-law, I can't betray my friend, Sentinel Yeem." She said with seriousness on her face.

Teacher Xu looked at her with doubt for a while, seeing that she looked serious, he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Jadan Jefferson, is a cunning fox, although she is a woman, her heart is deeper than a man's heart. 

She could kill her family with a smile on her lips and betray her best friend while showing her support to her best friend while showing her support for her. 

Although she is a big hypocrite, when she is loyal to a person or a cause, she will be 10x better than her evil self.

Still wondering why she could become the Principal of the great Hassride University?

Still wondering why she is feared by the students and parents alike?

"Fine...What about the student that breached the school communication protocol?" Teacher Xu asked. 

