Fighting Aliens (2)

The group returned to the camp and Randy immediately gave them the potion to kill the viruses from the Aliens' bite. 

Abdul Rasheed looked at his arm which had different sizes of bites in them and turned furiously at Radnah. 

He wanted to vent but seeing her in so much pain, he swallowed his grievances, but not Rhoda.

"Look at what you have done to yourself and Abdul Rasheed! If you had listened and not been a pain in the butt, none of these would have happened, but you never listen to instructions!!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't –" Radnah tried to make excuses but she couldn't because she knew she was wrong. If she was in Abdul Rasheed's shoes, she would have blown up, especially when the latter is the gender she hates the most. 

"That's enough, she knows she's wrong and she won't repeat it." Vicky patted Rhoda's shoulder, then turned to look at Randy, "Hope they will be fine?"