
The next morning, Su Tang lazily opened her eyes and what came to view was a snarling realistic tiger staring at her with rage in its red eyes.

Su Tang jerked up, almost screaming.

The noise made Lu Feng turn around to see his woman's fearful gaze staring at him. He frowned and put down the shirt he was about to wear and walked towards the bed.

"What's wrong?" He asked her in his sexy voice, but Su Tang was too fearful to feel anything sexy about his voice.

"W– what's that on your back?" She asked in a quivering voice.

Lu Feng turned his head to look behind him, but saw nothing.

"A– a tiger?!"

"Oh" he smiled. "It's a tattoo."

"I know that, damn it! It scared the sh!t out of me!"

Lu Feng wanted to laugh, but this was not the right time. "I'm sorry." He got onto the bed and pulled her to rest on him.