The Temerity

The bell rang that pulled everyone back to reality. They looked at the girl in her camouflage uniform standing lazily with head down and felt nothing but fear and respect for her.

The guys crushing on her in year four smiled. They are royals, so what have they not seen before? Yes, the girl standing there is ruthless, but who among the royals hasn't done something like this or worse?

Outside the arena, General Vim said to Randy. "She's injured, arrange for the doctors to await her arrival."

Randy nodded and left in haste before the Supreme Imperial guard Loam caught up to them.

Back at the arena…

Vicky sat there with a handkerchief pressed to her neck to stop the bleeding.

"Vicky, how about you go get your neck treated? You are losing a lot of blood again." Rhoda said worriedly.