Blackmailing Abel

At a casino...

Abel was seen playing cards with a group of men. His side of the table held a mountain of chips while the others had the opposite.

Some of the men had a sad look on their faces while others– like Abel looked pleased. He watched as the others spread their cards on the table before he opened his, with a smile.

"Damn it!" One of the men on the table cursed with rage visible on his face. "You cheated!!" The man yelled at Abel who still held a smile on his face without rebutting him.

Seeing this, the man's anger intensified as his belief stood solidly on his mind.

Abel stretched his hands to pull the chips of everyone on the round table towards his, but felt a strong grip on his forearms. He gritted his teeth for a flitting moment before he slowly raised his head with a small smile to look at the culprit. Seeing it was a gallant bodyguard, Abel turned his head to look at the boss of the guard who was staring daggers at him.