Friends with a man stealer

At the haunted mansion, Lu Feng went straight to the side house. Meanwhile, Sheila just woke up a while ago and was being retold the story that happened earlier. 

"How could that vixen do that to my brother?! She yelled, "I have to call Argento, he has to be here." She started to search for her phone. 

"Miss, I don't think you should. Boss might find it offensive and hate you and your brother even more. " The lady standing by her bed warned. 

"Since when has my matters become something you can worry about?" Sheila glared daggers at the lady who immediately lowered her head.

"Answer me!" She yelled. 

"I'm sorry Miss, I spoke out of line, don't be offended, it won't happen again." The lady lowered her head even further.

"Hahaha, even a mere servant can advise me now, wonderful, you shall be punished severely and…" 
