General Vim's Sassy

The cat jumped into her arms and rubbed against her cheek affectionately with its white and black fluffy fur.

The corner of Vim's lips raised into a faint smile before he walked into the messy kitchen and started putting things in order. 

"You two, go to the sitting room, food will be ready in a while. What do you care to eat?" 

Vicky was lost in a trance as she thought of the lifeless cat she returned to meet a few years ago and with Vim's words, she snapped awake and turned to look at him. 

"Did you buy me a replacement or did my sister send it?" 

Vim glanced at the young lady whose eyes were staring back at him with rage mixed with pain and shook his head.

"What replacement?" He pretended like he knew nothing.

Seeing this, Vicky relaxed a little. "What's with the cat?" She asked while staring at his pretty face.

"Oh, that's my cat. I'm equally surprised that she likes you because she never liked anyone."