Settling scores with everyone

Inside the bathroom, Sass pushed Xuelu roughly, making her hit her head against the bathtub. Xuelu's forehead broke and blood trickled down her face.

"Ruolan, please, I'm sorry, I promi–"

"You should know me better than that… Get into the bathtub." Sass cut her off.

"Ruolan, please don't do– ahh!"


Sass sent a strong kick into her stomach, making her fall unceremoniously into the white bathtub.

Seeing that, Sass took hold of the shower head and turned on the warm water. Before Xuelu could get a hold of herself from hitting the back of her head on the edge of the bathtub, she felt the spray of warm water on her face.

Xuelu struggled and tried to get out, but the feeling of a hot metal tearing into the skin on her thigh got her to release an ear-piercing scream.