
A quiet knock on the door had me glancing up from the laptop I was working with, a soft smile curling at the corner of my mouth as I gaze at the worried face of Frankie as he slowly creaks the door open lingering hesitantly in the guest room door. 

"Why are you standing over there?" I asked, 

"I thought you might be busy, you didn't join me for dinner," Frankie said as walked over to me, he was wearing my shirt which was oversized on his body. The length of the garment he wore gave an illusion that he wasn't wearing anything underneath it, his pretty toned thighs peeking out below the lower hem of the shirt, and the pretty checked silk fabric shirt made him look petite despite his athletic physique, the shirt clung loosely on him, which also made his waist accentuate through the shirt making him feely sway his waist as he walked towards me.