||" ADRIAN "||

I watched as my uncle interacted with Viviano as if they were long-time friends, the sight seemed cringe to me, it wasn't what I had expected at all. Judging from the way Viviano was smiling widely, I was certain they were going to talk about something more private like a business deal or something closer. 

" I feel burning your uncle, babe," Frankie whispered as she stepped up beside me leaning over my shoulder, 

"Let's not make a habit of burning people's bodies, okay?" I said as I stirred Frankie along the path that Viviano had led my uncle and his friends to. 

As I walked down the path, I realised that it wasn't familiar at all, I had been to Viviano's house a couple of times but it was my first time in this zone. I smiled as I felt Frankie's arms wrap around mine, I knew he felt the tension around me, but I was happy he was here with me.