||" ADRIAN "||

Frankie and I were seated inside the cafe waiting for our orders, the cafe was quiet as always, which made me wonder if Alex has ever had customers, it's always empty anytime I come here. I watched Frankie fidget with his fingers, a habit he had whenever he was nervous or worried about something.

" Are you okay? Babe?" 

"Yes, I am okay, just a little bit worried," Frankie said, 

"Why? What are you worried about?" I asked, 

"About you what happened at the meeting, why did you suddenly want to leave, did something happen to you," Frankie asked, I could feel the worry in his voice, I didn't know it was that obvious that I wasn't okay, "I could feel the tension that rose within you, I knew something wasn't right, and to prove me right, you suddenly wanted to leave. So yeah, I know you are not okay, what happened to you, Adrian?"

"Frankie, I…"