Departure and Author Notes

Within the command deck of the Capital Vessel of the First Fleet Oblivion, Commander Themistocles was seated on his chair with Lieutenant General Sci beside him. 

{Hahaha, did we keep you waiting for long, Commander?} Just then the Director's voice sounded from the communication channel. 

"Not for long, Director." Themistocles had a smile on his face as he listened to the reports of Sci. 

{Good! Now head towards General Fu. It's time to begin the attack.} The Commander and Director had already discussed their strategy, all that was left was implementation. 

"Oblivion, depart!" With the order the huge Capital Vessel detached itself from the bow of the Citadel as the propulsion system roared to life pushing it towards the deeper end of the space. 

"Let's check this Superluminal Engines, Sci." Themistocles' eyes burned with fervor and excitement as he concluded.