The first taste of a punishment

For two days now, I've been at a cabin that's far from my pack. Aside from the rogue wolf, I've had no visitors, and neither have I seen a means of escape.

Already knowledgeable about us wolves, the rogue Alpha made sure I won't escape. Not only did he make use of silver to bar the windows, but the door happened to be made of pure silver.

Just the glittering is enough to send me running for cover, talk more of when I touch it.

I made the mistake of touching it yesterday, and I've learned my lesson.

In no way am I going near the window, talk more of the door. "Once bitten," they say, "twice shy."

"Good morning darling!" The rogue Alpha strolled into the room as if he owns everything.

Well, he does own everything here except me, of course.

"How are my pack members?" I ask instead. Sitting up on the bed, I give him my undivided attention as I wait for the answer to my question.

"They're okay." He shrugged.

"Should you try anything funny with them, I'll kill you!" I growl at him.

" Keep your threats for others' love, you know they don't move me." He walks towards me, his eyes on mine.

With our eyes locked, I refuse to back down from the challenge.

I might have lost due to the bane he made use of on me, but that doesn't mean I'll allow him to win again.

I am an Alpha, and Alphas don't back down from a challenge.

"You're Feisty, you know that." Close enough to me, with only the bed keeping us apart, he sits on the bed, his eyes still locked with mine.

"How dare you call me that?" Growling at him, I still maintain my stare. Talking won't make me back down from the challenge.

In no way am I going to allow him to win.

In a battle of wits, am note than witty.

"I'll call you whatever I damn please, Mek." He smirked, "you have no right whatsoever to question whatever I do."

"And you have the right to question what I do?"

"Of course I do. You are mine, Mek. You're my slave, one I can do whatever I please with."

"And you think I'll allow you to degrade me as nothing more than the dirt under your shoes?"

If that's what he thinks will happen, I bet he's in for more than a surprise.

" Not only will you allow me, but you'll beg for it." He takes hold of my hand and dragged me closer to himself, despite my protest.

I know with his packed muscles, and hunter's agility, am no match for him, but that didn't stop me from struggling against him.

As the Alpha and best warrior of my pack, it'll be a disgraceful thing if I can't fight against one man when I've fought more than ten people at once in the past.

"Let me go, you bastard!" Growling at him, I try to remove myself from his hold, but he held on tightly.

"And you think I'll do so?" Roughly holding my jaw, he turned my face towards him. "Remember this, Mek, your life doesn't belong to you. It belongs solely to me."

" I'll never belong to you, bastard!" I spit on his face.

" How dare you?" His words were accompanied by a slap on my butt.

" What…" I would have jumped at the pain, but couldn't do so as he had me in a tight hold.

With one hand holding me down *I hope none of my pack members sees me in this embarrassing position. Not only am I being held down by another male, but he happened to do so with one of his hands, and not two* he wiped his face clean with another hand.

"You know you're just but a fly in my hands. The more you fight against me, the more I crush you."

"Go to hell!" I spit on his face.

This time, instead of a slap to my butt, I got one on my face.

The stinging from the slap made me grimace.

"How dare you?" I struggle some more to free myself from his hold, but he tightly held me close.

"You need to be punished, Mek. You're getting more stubborn and bold. You need your wings to be clipped."

" To hell with…." He slapped my butt.

" I might be lenient with you, but I won't tolerate the cuss words you throw about."

" And you dare…."

Another painful slap to my butt and that got me to shut up for good, as the slim material of the trouser is putting on makes the pain more.

"You know, I want to avoid hitting you, love, but you give me no choice whatsoever." He lightly kneads my butt, pressing a bit at it as if it's soft bread.

His action made me feel uncomfortable.

"Stop doing that." I frown at him in disgust.

"I'll only stop when I want to. You have no right to tell me when to stop and when not to." He smirked," but I'll let you go for now." Saying those words, he gently placed me back on the bed.

With my butt back on the bed, I scoot away from him. Darkly glaring at him, I create a large, defined space between us.

"Breakfast is served. All you have to do is take your bath, and come for breakfast." He stood from the bed, "I'll be waiting for you in the kitchen."

"In your dreams. I rather starve to death than eat your food."

And that's what I am doing. I'm going to starve myself to death, this way I won't be able to endure more humiliations from him.

Dying with my honour and pride is far better than living in shame.

"I can see your butt is anxious to get more actions." The devil's incarnate smirked," should you waste time in here, I might think you want more from me." Winking, he leaves my room.