A nauseating scent

Things returned to normal, or as normal as they can be. Fern and I got back as friends, whatever it is we were. But the only difference between us is he never talked of punishment, or whatever it is.

I've tried to make him angry. I've tried to remind him of the punishment. I've done things that might warrant him to punish me, but it has done nothing to him.

He turned a blind eye to everything I've done. And the worst of all is I've seen him with that particular female for a long time now. It seems they always have something to talk about whenever they meet.

Presently, I'm standing in my room, looking at them as they laughed together.

I ball my hand to fist as I tried to ride out the anger I felt deep within me. I felt ready to murder someone should care not be taken, and the person I'm ready to murder is no other but the stupid female laughing with him.

You are jealous.

A voice said in my head.

That's a lie.

I deny the accusations.

There is no way I can be jealous of the girl. I'm just looking out for him. Girls shouldn't be trusted, especially one who laughs the way she does.

She looks like a wolf in sheep's clothing. These types of girls shouldn't be trusted at all. Their covered clothes deceive everyone who comes their way.

I watched in horror as he leaned closer to her. Is he going to kiss her?

I held on to the table next to me as I tried to keep my wolf in check.


I can't allow him to make an appearance. He might make it seem like I'm jealous of the girl, while I'm not.

I'm not jealous of anyone, I'm just exercising my anger at seeing someone as deadly as she is. I need to get Fern out of her clutches.

I watched, transfixed, as he removed something from her hair, showed it to her, and they burst out in laughter.

I stormed out of my room, and almost went out to confront them, but I thought better of it. I stopped in the kitchen and decided to take my frustration out on the food he prepared before he left to have a chat with that female.


I tug my hair in frustration.

What did he see in that female? I thought as I leaned on the table. She's just a conniving unmated wolf, desperate to have the best Werewolf in their mist.

I ate the entire pot of rice. Drank the water he got from whatever spring it is he told me about. But all these didn't stop me from thinking about the female he is speaking with.

A female I'll love to Mar her face in such a way, no one will ever desire her. I'll make use of the sharpest knife Fern has in here, and show her not to mess with me.

I'll show her what I do to anyone who tried that.



"Where are you coming from?" I asked him the moment he came into the house.

"What, are you monitoring me now?" He removed his jacket and sat on one of the chairs in his sitting room.

"Where did you go off to all day?" I ball my hands into fists as I thought of where he went to.

"I visited my people. In case you've forgotten, I'm the leader of my pack." He smirked at me, "did you miss me?"

"Why should I?" I fold my hands in anger, "I'm just asking."

"It has been long since I spoke with them." He smiled, "are you by chance —"

" You spoke with her today. Was she part of the talk you had with your pack? She was the pack you talked to?" I raised a brow at him.

"No. I —"

" What's your relationship with her?"

Try as I may contain my anger, I can't do that. I need to vent out on him.

" Are you jealous?" He smirked.

"Jealous of whom? You?" I scoff.

"How did you know I spoke with her? Were you monitoring me?" He placed a hand under his jaw as if in deep contemplation.

"I just knew. You smell different." I sniff the air, "her scent is nauseating."

That was far from the truth. She smells like a normal Werewolf female does, but I don't tell him that.

I felt jealous of the scent.

It made me angry about the fact I happen to be a ma—

What's wrong with you, Mek?

I mentally slap myself.

How can I be thinking of something like that? There's no way I can like someone of the same sex as I.

"Nauseating?" He sniffed the air, "her scent isn't nauseating. It's sweet." He sniffed the air, "I bet she tastes —"

"It's nauseating. I can't bear to be in the same room as you. The smell is too pungent for me to endure a moment more with you."

I turned and started walking back to my room.

"What are you having for dinner?" He asked in a smug tone.

It's as if he likes my outburst more than he's letting on.

"I've lost my appetite." I snap at him. "You don't have to prepare anything for me."

I walk straight to my room and banged the door behind me. I made sure to bang the door as loudly as I can to show him how angry I am.

This will show him how pissed I am.

I lean on the door.

What had gotten into me?

Why am I behaving like a bitch? What's wrong with me?


I need to snap out of this.

I'm only behaving this way as he happens to be the only one I've been in close contact with for days now.

It's only a feeling gotten from lack of contact. This will stop when I go out and have a talk with others. I don't need to worry about that.

It's only a flitting feeling.