
Tin and I discreetly walked towards the pack house. Our black clothes made it possible for us to walk in the dark without detection.

Tin, who was close to me, looked so serious, that you wouldn't think he was the playfully Beta of minutes ago.

"You know what you will do, right?" Head towards the border, I will creep in through the pack. You need to be at Alert. And don't forget, should things escalate faster than planned, you can send the signal. We'll be close by."

At the intersection, Tin and I separated. He walked towards the border, to join our men there, while I walk towards the pack houses to help out men who are already waiting for me there.

I checked the position of the moon, to better gauge how to kick off the plan we already have in place.

The silent huts, I sneaked past, showed that they are not yet aware of the fact that there are others in their territory.

How can they be so stupid? 

I snicker to myself.