A deranged lover

"I see no reason in informing you of my visit," I look around the room.

The room, unlike how it was before it was occupied by Jackil, looked not only inviting, but neat as well.

It's Just typical of Jackil to make things neat and well arranged.

This was one of the things that drew me to him when we first met.

The way he arranges things were top-notch and undebatable. Not only did he change the pack house he was living in, but he also made it seem different from the others just by how well he arranged the stuff around.

"There is a reason," he smiled brightly. "You can come in. There is no need for you to stand at the door, like a visitor."

"Thanks, but I'm not staying for long." I frown at him, "you said you will return to your pack, a week ago. Why haven't you done so?"

"He sent you?" Jackil laughed, "wouldn't put anything past the Alpha."