A liar’s façade

***** Flashbacks starts *****

***** One year back *****

Emma looks for her car keys in her bag when she felt that someone was eyeing her from the back. She turned but found no one in the empty parking area. There were few cars but not a single soul. Emma jumped at the sound of something that was heard like a cat. A cool breeze flowed and Emma cringed for a moment. Emma gets inside her car and rushed home but strangely, her car did not start. She looked at the empty fuel tank. Emma remembered that she had fuel in her car earlier. Emma grabbed her bag and lacked her car behind. She decided to call for a cab. She went out of the parking lot and waited for the cab to arrive when she saw a car pull over near her. Emma looked away, not wanting to entertain any stranger but a familiar voice caught her attention.

"Need some help?"

It was Ricker Davidson.

The driver lower the car window glass and Emma was stunned at her luck. She started walking away from the car and Ricker followed her in his car, trying to get her inside.

"You know, I am only trying to help," Ricker said.

"I did not ask for your help, did I," Emma said, not looking at Ricker and still walking away.

"It is a lonely road, darling. You have no idea of the creeps in the neighborhood" Ricker said.

"Oh… don't you worry about that. I have some… idea" Emma said staring at Ricker. Ricker sniggered and drove away.

Emma sighed a breath of relief but soon she realized that she was indeed left alone on a lonely road, in the dark night. She looks around and saw a homeless man on the other side of the road at some distance who was staring at her. The man gave Emma real creeps. Emma took large steps to get away as fast as she can from that homeless man. After walking for a few seconds, she turned around only to see the homeless man following her. That gave Emma a good scare. Emma started running to the end of the road instead of walking now and when she now turned, she could not find anyone. The idea of her being alone on the road was both scary and relaxing. Emma called her cab driver but she realized she does not have the battery in her cell. Emma saw a car passing by her and she tried to ask for a lift but the car drove past her and stopped at some distance from her. Emma rushed towards the car, and the driver opened the car for Emma to let her inside.

Emma gets inside and said,

"Thank you very much," Emma said while fastening her seat belt.

"Pleasure is mine, darling" Ricker said.

Emma turned to see Ricker and realized that while she was eager to get a lift, she did not pay attention to whom she was getting the lift.

Emma closed her eyes in frustration and her sense of judgment was impaired at that point. She could not go out and she definitely did want to stay in the car with Ricker. She was stuck.

"Where to?" Ricker asked.

"Whitmore society," Emma said.

"So, your place" Ricker flirted.

"Don't irritate me, Ricker" Emma said.

"And here I was thinking, you are judging me without knowing my name" Ricker smiled.

"Oh, I know you," Emma said.

"And I, you," Ricker said.

"I have heard about your family from my family," Emma said.

"You mean your father. Not all very nice, I assume" Ricker asked.

"No… not very nice" Emma answered.

"I don't blame you. No one talks good about your father too" Ricker teased.

"Think before you speak" Emma warned Ricker.

"And I am speaking the truth. You should not trust everything your father says. He is an as many say, a compulsive liar" Ricker said.

"I have heard many sayings too like your father was a traitor," Emma said.

"Only your father says that. Liar, as I said" Ricker said.

"You don't really know my father," Emma said.

"So, don't you," Ricker said.

"Thanks… for the lift. Why did you come around?" Emma said.

"Because I knew, you will. What happened to your car?" Ricker asked.

"I think its fuel tank is damaged. Wait! How do you know something is wrong with my car?" Emma asked.

"I assumed" Ricker answered.

"So precisely?" Emma asked angrily.

"Why are you getting angry?" Ricker smiled and asked.

"Because something is fishy. Either you were spying on me or you damaged my car" Emma suspected.

"You are being dramatic now, darling. I did not damage your car but the former condition may apply" Ricker said sheepishly.

"Oh my god, I was right. You are a creep. You were spying on me. Since when?" Emma demanded an answer.

"Since the beginning of time," Ricker said humoring Emma.

"Ricker!!!!" Emma said in annoyance.

"Okay, since we last met" Ricker answered honestly.

"Four days!!!! You have been spying on me for four days. What is wrong with you?" Emma said punching Ricker on his shoulder. Ricker was amazed and lost balance for a second.

"What is wrong with me! What is wrong with you?" Ricker said

"Stop the car. I want out" Emma demanded.

"Are you sure? I think you learned your lesson with the homeless man, or do you want to revise your learning?" Ricker asked.

"You saw that too. Where were you?" Emma asked.

"You send me away, remember," Ricker said.

"Why are you doing this Ricker. It makes no sense. Why are you following me?" Emma asked.

"Because I want to know you," Ricker said.

"Know me? What does that mean?" Emma asked.

"You know exactly what it means," Ricker said.

"You think you are charming by following me and spying on me and am I supposed to impress by that?" Emma asked.

"Are you impressed?" Ricker asked.

"Hell, no," Emma said loudly.

"Well, man can only try," Ricker said.

"There must be something very wrong with your head," Emma said.

"There is. It's clouded with your thoughts. What are you going to do about that?" Ricker said.

"Nothing, it is absurd and ridiculous," Emma said.

Ricker stopped the car and looked at Emma and asked, "Is it?"

Emma's heart skipped a beat. Ricker remove his belt and leaned closer to Emma. Emma gets nervous as she felt Ricker's warm breath. His eyes were piercing Emma with desire and at the same time, Emma saw the darkness and depth in Ricker's eyes. She lost all her words and she lost her ability to move. She just stays still until Ricker grabbed her from the waist and pulled her closer to meet her lips. Emma was shocked and excited, her heart raced and her body got warmed up. Ricker kissed her soft lips. He demanded Emma surrender but Emma was too shocked to admit or refrain from Ricker's actions. Emma did not invite Ricker but she even did not stop him from continuing. It was at that moment; that Emma knew it was neither absurd nor ridiculous. It was just how she felt.

***** Flashback ends *****

***** At present *****

Emma splashed water on her face. She looked at her image in the mirror. She wiped her face, and her makeup and changed herself into comfortable clothing.

Emma walked inside her father's room where he found Greg reading some papers. Greg looked at Emma and smiled and said,

"Congratulations dear. You made the right decision" Greg said.

"Did I? I don't know father but watching you trying so hard for this marriage made me wonder, how far you might have gone if I hadn't complied with your wishes?" Emma said standing in the corner of the room.

"What do you mean Emma?" Greg asked.

"Lavinia told me they can't find Ricker. Do have anything to do with that?"

"Do you mean did I do something?" Greg asked.

"Did you?" Emma asked.

"I swear on you my loving daughter, I haven't done anything to Ricker" Greg clarified.

"Then, I think I have to trust you" Emma said looking intently at his father to answer.

"I hate him. I never hid that fact and if he is gone from our lives then I have received two good news in a day. This is one of the best days of my life but I did not make any move for that" Greg said.

"Okay Daddy, I trust you. Please take rest. I am going home. I will be back soon" Emma said and kissed her father on his cheek and bid him goodbye.

"Sure" Greg whispered watching his daughter leaving the room.

Emma left Greg. Greg sat on his hospital bed thinking about his old friend and the business deal he proposed years ago. He heard Theo entering the room after a knock.

"Did you two meets with the lawyer?" Greg asked Theo

"Yes, we did" Theo answered.

"Did she sign the papers?" Greg asked.

"Yes, she did," Theo said.

"So, you finally got married," Greg said.

"Of course, you made sure of it. But how were you sure that she will sign the papers for marriage registration" Theo said taking a seat on the small couch in the hospital luxury room.

"Because I gave her no choice from the beginning. I planned it that way. She was flinching at the altar" Greg said.

"Yes. I also get scared when I heard her saying no to the marriage officiator but you were quick to handle the situation. A heart attack!!!! That was too dramatic. I was not even sure if this will work but you made sure it happened the way it happened" Theo said.

"You asked for my daughter and I gave her to you by her own choice. My part of the deal is done" Greg said.

"Just one question, why did you need those fake cops for?" Theo asked.

"Emma needed to think that I was in trouble and police means trouble," Greg said.

"What explanation did you give her for that?" Theo asked.

"You don't need to worry about that. There is a bigger problem. Did you take care of it?" Greg asked.

"Yes, I took care of Ricker Davidson. He is gone" Theo said.

Emma listened to the conversation between Greg and Theo by standing near the door. But how much?