The Prime Suspect!

It has been weeks. Theo is silent as if he is planning something. Ricker is also quiet. This feels like waiting for a storm to come. Emma was aware that Ricker knew what happen between her and Theo. But how does Ricker know?

Emma turned on hearing a noise. She saw Sophia bringing tray inside and putting it on the round table in the centre of the room and left. Lavinia jumped over the bed looking at her phone, completely indulged in it. After the accident, Lavinia has been staying in the Relish household not letting Emma alone in there. It was all Ricker. It was obvious but no one uttered a single word. Theo disliked Lavinia staying with them, and he can't say anything. Lavinia brought the bags and declared her stay. No one asked her. And no can ask her to leave. Lavinia can be persuasive like that.

Emma on the other hand, was pleased to have Lavinia around. She felt safe! But she was still stuck. Lavinia noticed Emma's frown and said,

"Why don't you leave from here?" Lavinia said.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked.

"You are clearly unhappy. Its not like you don't have house or work in your life. Just to leave from here" Lavinia said.

"And go to whom? Ricker?" Emma said.

"Darling, you are getting me wrong. You don't need to someone. You are strong and confident and most importantly, you haven't relied on anyone, not even your father. Why are you becoming this weak person? And how long can you cope with your situation? Isn't it suffocating?" Lavinia asked.

"My father is still missing" Emma said.

"And you staying here is not going to help in finding him. Besides that's not the only reason you are staying here" Lavinia told Emma.

Emma looked at Lavinia for her to continue.

Lavinia opened the drawer from her right side of the bed and took out a file. Emma was shocked to see the file in Lavinia's hands.

"Why are you investigating Ricker's parent's death?" Lavinia asked.

"Did you tell anyone?" Emma asked.

"Emma, I am on your side. Please tell me something. I need some answers too. I am your friend. I have been your friend from the longest I can remember. How can you not confide in me? Don't you trust me? Don't you know me?" Lavinia said.

"This is way too twisted" Emma said.

"I can see that. Two people died! And you are married to a nincompoop" Lavinia scoffed.

"Okay. I am trying to find out what happened years ago" Emma told Lavinia.

"Because of Ricker?" Lavinia asked.

"Because of my father. I know him to be a lying and manipulative person. But I can't see him as a murderer" Emma said.

"I understand that. But how does Theo come in the picture? Why did you marry him?" Lavinia asked.

"I had no choice. My father is in trouble and only Theo could help him" Emma said.

"Theo can't help himself. How can you believe that he can save your father and from whom?" Lavinia asked.

"Cops and goons. My father said…" Emma said but Lavinia interrupted her.

"Bloody hell Emma. You just said your father is a lying and manipulative man. He lied and manipulated you. But I can see. You were cornered and played with your emotions" Lavinia said.

"Now when I think about it. I feel the same" Emma said.

"What is stopping you now? Why don't you leave this golden cage?" Lavinia asked.

"Theo won't let me go. He is keeping an eye on me, and I feel Ricker too is keeping an eye from distance. Are you?" Emma asked.

"Helping Ricker. Yes and no. I am in contact with Ricker, but I am not prying on you from him. I won't do that, and he will never ask me something like that" Lavinia said.

"He is not a saint" Emma said.

"Oh… I can never say that. He is a devil, but he is not your devil" Lavinia said.

"He betrayed my trust. He approached me under false pretense" Emma said.

"He made a mistake. A huge one but he paid for it too. I am not saying forgive him but allow him to rectify his mistakes" Lavinia said.

"It's too late. I can never forgive him".

"Alright. Leave Ricker and Theo in the corner and let's talk about you. What do you want?"

"I want to get out of here. Get away from Ricker and Theo. I want out of this marriage first".

"Good. Then, I will help you in that".

"How?" Emma asked.

"First, I know who is spying on you for Ricker"?

"You know? Who is?"

"It is Sophia"

"What? No!" Emma said in disbelief.

"Emma. Please listen. It was Sophia who took those papers from your room and gave it to Theo. Theo used them to lure out Ricker and then he got into an accident".


"I believe that the plan was to kill Ricker, but it did not work".

"Sophia did that?"

"Emma, I don't think Sophia had any choice. Theo bullied her, threatened her but she had the best interest for you. Emma, Sophia came clean to Ricker and told him everything when she saw how unhappy you were. She is trying to help you to survive. Ricker forgave her. Sophia could have said nothing, and we would have never suspected her, but she did what she thought was right thing to do. You can blame her and fire her, but she is your true friend. I am afraid you need to trust her. Its not a betrayal. It is just an unfortunate turn of events".

Emma holds her head in her palm, thinking how pitiful her life is.

Sophia entered Emma's room in hurry and said,

"Cops are her. They are here to see you" Sophia told Emma.

Emma, Lavinia, and Sophia went out to see two male police officers and one female officers, waiting for her in the drawing room. Theo and Uncle Joe were sitting on the sofa.

"Is it about my father officer?" Emma asked.

"I am afraid, it is more serious" officer said.

"What is it?

"Do you know him?" officer asked showing a photograph of a dead man to Emma.

Emma recognized the man. He was the one Emma hired to find her father.

"He is dead! How is he head?" Emma asked.

"So, you know him" officer said.

"I hired him to find my father. He last told me; he had some lead".

"What lead?"

"I don't know. I was supposed to find out after meeting him yesterday, but I could not reach him"

"You met him? No, I did not"

"He died yesterday".

"Who killed him? We are investigating that but there is another thing we have discovered".

"What?" Emma asked.

"He was the one who attacked your husband!" Officer said looking at Theo.

"He was the attacker?" Theo asked.

"Yes. We are sure of that. You said you hired him. It means he was working for you" Officer pointed at Emma. Emma heart raced. She did not like officer's tone at all.

"He was investigating for me, yes. But I don't hire him to hurt anyone" Emma said.

"Where were you yesterday?" Officer asked.

"I went to a hospital" Emma said.

"Which hospital? Which doctor attended you?"

Emma went silent. She could not give any details. She had a secret. She can't let anyone know about her pregnancy. She just can't. "My appointment was cancelled so there can't be any records.

Lavinia stared at Emma wondering why she was lying. She accompanied Emma yesterday and she did go inside the doctor's cabin for her check-up. But Lavinia decided not to say anything when Emma signed her to remain silent.

"I am afraid that's not enough. We must arrest you" Officer said.

"In what crime?" Emma asked.

"For trying kill you husband and killing this man".

"I didn't kill him".

"You are the prime suspect".

Emma looked at Theo for help, but Theo said nothing. He let Emma arrested without any emotions.