Helikopter Helikopter :D

8 months ago…

City lights were no where to be found in this area. A Grey building built on a complete modern architecture can't be easily spotted in this remote area of Srance. It was surrounded by numerous huge trees and electric fence claimed the land. There was a helicopter landing pad on the side roof and a big fancy signboard right under the pad, plastered on the wall, that read 'Bio-man Pharmaceuticals Research Center' it was the only glowing object in the area.

Inside there were uncountable halls that lead to different labs, conference rooms and especially, the dealing rooms which was extremely confidential and a place only higher ups knew about. Guarded by heavy security there was this one room where they say, all the 'illegal' dealings took place. It was hidden from the junior even the senior researchers. Only higher ups could access to it.

Most of the time the room is inactive due to lack of clients. But today's atmosphere says the otherwise.

A 4 ft tall mad seemed to be in his mid-forties fasten his speed after noticing that his body-guard is getting too much ahead of him. He was all suited, looked nothing like a researcher. Had a white suitcase gripped tightly in his small palms. At last he was able to caught up with his body guard's speed.

"Guard be ready, I am on my way." He mumbled as he tapped his silver colored metallic small ear-piece.

Soon after he reached the dead end of the gray hallway, and faced a large 10 ft tall door made out of stainless steel. He stood straight completely ignoring the presence of rows of security guards shielding the door.

Pointing at his bodyguard he uttered, "You stay here, I will go inside and deal with the client. Watch out for potential threats." The bodyguard who seemed to be 3 times taller and wider than him simply nodded to his boss' orders.

"And also." the man paused, "Do not let anyone enter inside while I am dealing with the client." no response. "Did I make myself clear?" A single nod was all he needed thus he proceeded to enter the room as the enormous steel door slowly agaped.

The short man headed inside with the white suitcase hanging onto his hand. It swung left and right with the each step he took.

The room was awfully white, the floor entwined with the ceiling. No one in the world could spot where the room ended or how big it was. No windows nor anyway specific wall to lean on. Just the door and it leads you to this room. And right in the middle a long conference table was placed with two steel chairs beside it.

And unfortunately one of them was already occupied. A certain someone's foot was resting on it. He was young, tall and handsome. Well suited as well. But his taste in color was a bit peculiar. Beginning from his suit to his trouser pant, all screamed the color 'burgundy'. Except the inner shirt of course, it was illuminating bright white.

"Mr Jonathan Orlando?" The short man heard the door shut just after he placed the white suitcase on the table only to notice another black suitcase was already placed beside the tall guy, Jonathan.

"Mr Noman Hills, so glad that we finally meet." Jonathan's thin lips formed into a fake enthusiastic smile as he shoved his leg from the chair to stand still.

"My pleasure Mr Orlando. As we have finally met, how about we cut our conversation short and jump into the dealing, yes?" Noman stated as he took a chair to sit.

Jonathan chuckled, "You seem to be in a rush Mr Hills, I'd much more prefer to take this deal slow you know how much confidential it is. One mistake, thousands of people facing imprisonment. Not to mention, you're also included in the first list of the thousands of people."

The short man coughed as if Jonathan's words pierced through him. "Ahem- yes you're right. But I may insist in proceeding the conversation revolving 'the deal' and would like to avoid irrelevant chat with you Mr Orlando, if that's possible, yes?"

Another dry chuckle echoed around the white room, "Sure,"

"I am sure that my secretary already spared you the details, and you have completely fulfilled all the criteria provided by BMP (Bio-Man Pharmaceuticals) and that makes you one of our VIP clients." Noman paused, "And today we will only exchange goods. You receive the product and we get it's price. Easy deal as it is." He pointed at the other chair, "Please take a seat, Mr Orlando."

Jonathan grinned and responded, "I insist on standing here, you carry on with the deal Mr Hill."

"Oh Alright, sure thing." He pulled the white suitcase until it was in front of him. Quickly opened the suitcase only to find three packets marked as red, blue and green placed inside with a black pen drive on the side.

"Baya…" Jonathan mumbled softly, "World's most dangerous drug ever discovered, the government officials aren't even aware of it's existence...yet."

"Yes you're absolutely right Mr Orlando, but missed the most thrilling point of all."

With a confused expression Jon's eyes sank through Noman trying to recall what he had missed. Noman smirked and continued, "That Bio-Man is the first one to invent Baya and discover it's formula."

Jonathan let out a nervous laugh, "Of course, and now my organization will be in charge of Baya.."

"As you've bought the ownership rights alreadly, Mr Orlando." Noman helped him finish his sentence.

"Yes." Jon mumbled under his breathe before pulling the black suitcase from his side.

"I have already paid 90 million as the advance." He paused, "Here's the rest 100 million you demanded for the formula, and three sample of the Baya."

He opened it as he witnessed Noman's eye glowing up in joy.

"Thought bringing cash would be better than giving off a check." A grin appeared on Jonathan's face as he held the suitcase's lead, "Take a good look Mister..." He reduced the space between them and leaned in right beside Noman's ears, "Noman Hill." He whispered.

Soon after Noman's bright expression instantly turned gloomy and a heavt scowl plastered across his not-so-appealing face, "What is this abomination Mr Orlando?"

"Sorry?" Jonathan's cocky expression changed and went gloomy as well. But the difference was He was expression-less emitting gloomy aura. His stare turned cold sending shivers down Noman's spine.

Noman still managed to act and pushed the black suitcase and made it face Jonathan.

"Really? A gun?" His facial expressions read confusion while Jonathan's read...nothing, a blank.

"L'Etranger 2007, Yes why? Isn't it gorgeous." Jon took the gun from the suitcase, his cold gaze fell on startled Noman. Playfully placed it right behind Noman's right eye. Drops of sweat formed on Noman's forehead in no time.

"And it looks more gorgeous right here in this spot." At last, Jon smiled bitterly, before tapping the micro-blue tooth ear piece hidden behind his hair.

"Green light." He mutter.

Suddenly, the room was in chaos. The only way to exit, the door swung open, and the security guards from before marched inside holding rifles. Not only them, more army dressed all in black marched in carrying pitch black rifles in their arms. Soon, the room filled uncountable armies aiming rifles at Noman. And he sat there, unmovable.

"W-wha-" He couldn't even comprehend any words. "W-ho Are you?" He gasped looking at Jonathan. Jon's gaze was icy as ever, he didn't respond. Moreover, He took the gun away from Noman's forehead. Close shut the white suitcase while putting the gun in his pocket. When he was doing that another man got inside the room with a handcuff in his hands.

"S.Agent Harry I am leaving the criminal to you, take him to the supervisor. She will give you the next orders. My mission here is done." Jonathan walked away with the white suitcase in hands while Agent Harry clutched the handcuffs around Noman's arms, "Sure thing, Top Agent Jonquil."

The blades of the black helicopter intensively flapped as the landing skid of it slowly reached the surface of the helicopter pad. On the Helicopter it clearly read "SEG"

Agent Jonquil who was still in disguise of Jonathan stepped on the pad walking towards the helicopter, she stopped for a moment. Only to grab the hem of her silicon mask- which ended in her neck-and ripped it off her face. In no time, Jonathan's face was nowhere to be seen as Jonquil's hair floated on the air. She pulled out her sunglasses from the suit's inner pocket while maintaining her usual poker face. Without wasting any time she hopped on the helicopter with the white suitcase with her. Inside the helicopter, there was 3 other agents to greet her, waiting for her.

They all were labeled as new Junior agents, therefore Jonquil couldn't recognize their faces well. All of them were dressed all in black suit and pant, two were female and the other one was a male. The male he had a round face with small slender eyes and jet black hair carefully combed, he was Asian, a shanghai dweller for sure. The other two females, one had straight black hair, porcelain skin and had slender eyes too, she was also an Asian. Korean probably. And the other one, she was sitting across Jonquil, her brown curly locks were swayed away by the intense air. Her eyes were pretty big comparing to the other two, and deep ocean blue with a round nose and thin lips.

Jonquil sat right beside the korean female agent. Her burgundy suit making her stand out among the agents.

The other female agent who sat right across her, she offered a water bottle to Jonquil,

"The voice changing tablet, your throat must be dried up T.Agent Jonquil. Here have some water." She showed Jonquil one of her brightest smile.

"Oh. Thanks." Placing the white suitcase on the side table, she accepted the bottle. Opened it and took few sips. Oh god, at last her natural voice was back. By coughing few times she adjusted her voice.

"Congratulations for running another successful mission, T.Agent Jonquil." A male agent's voice took away Jonquil's attention. Without wasting any time further, the blades of the helicopter flapped more intensely than it was. The doors closed. And soon they were few hundred foot above from the surface level.

"No wonder where you got your special title from, 't-o-p' agent." Mockery poured through the female agent's tone who was sitting across Jonquil, as if Jonquil was beneath her, her tone stated how much pride holds up to herself. She expected Jonquil to have some kind of reaction to her words, at least a flinch or a simple frown. But Jonquil sat there, straight and all mighty with a poker face.

"Never have I ever agreed with something so easily, Junior Staff Agent Malice." a side of Jonquil's lip perked up as she took off the sunglasses and put them on the side table and just like that she crushed her pride into pieces.

Malice-the female agent sitting across her- winced as her eyes widened in shock. Not only her, all the other two agents looked at each other as if they had seen a ghost. Let her pride aside, how come Jonquil knows her name.

"What?" Jonquil let out a dry chuckle, "My memory was blank at first but now I remember you three, Malice, Jesul and Zhang. From the intern sheets, I had to memorize it all. Can't believe you three passed the intern test and the supervisor immediately send you three off for field observance training." she paused, "You guys look worked up. Must be shocked about how come I remembered you three right?" Jonquil asked. Her face still expressionless, tone cold as ice. The three heads nodded.

"You're superior to us T.Agent Jonquil." He nervously scratched his nape, "And we are rookie agents, it was kind of…unexpected from you to remember our names just by seeing our faces."

"Hmm, surely you guys passed that 'rookie' level or else why would the supervisor send you three for the training, hmm?" Jonquil opened the bottle and took another sip, "Also to fetch me from my mission. Considering how confidential this one is, I thought only senior agents were permitted to enter the mission arena." Jonquil's voice was firm and intimidating.

"Well never mind, how was the observance training? You guys tell me." She gave them a glance before taking in another sip from the bottle.

"I-it" Jesul-the korean- female agent sitting beside her stuttered as before she could finish her sentence Malice caught her, "It was nice!" Malice uttered quite tensely. Zhang nodded with her words and looked right at Jonquil.

A small smile appeared on Jonquil's full lips but her stare stayed indifferent as it was before. "You know, It's been 7 years since I passed my observance training." she mumbled under her breathe. Her words came out so soft and weak, it surprised herself even. Forcing herself to keep in the same overpowering tone she again mumbled, "I miss the part where you go in person disguised as a part of the force and see what the Field agent doing with the criminal. When they fight, it turns out so cool."

"I know, right T.Agent Jonquil!" Jesul squealed in excitement, "That part is why many of us wants to attend this training. Seeing the field top agent succeeding in the mission, in person."

And snap.

That was all Jonquil needed to hear to act.

Jonquil quickly pulled out her L'Etrange from her pocket, and aimed at the agents.

"Reverse Spy huh?" She saw both of the asian agents' eyes went wide as they surrendered, but Malice's gaze stayed on Jonquil, her face went expressionless.

"For few goddamn minutes you guys did succeed to fool me. I am quite disappointed at myself, really." Jonquil said as she put down the gun and laughed at herself.

"How did you-" Zhang stuttered.

"It takes only few seconds to figure that out, as long as you know how a observance training properly works, silly." Jonquil scoffed, "Only if there was a in person observing part in the training. Are you guys that dumb? Stepping on the mission without even checking how the shit's are done? They put on surveillance camera planted on the helicopter for the agents to observe." Dizziness takes over her head, Jonquil presses her temple while again wielding the gun at the agents.

Realization slaps her face hard.

"Or the plan was built up like this." Jonquil's whole body started shaking,

She shots up a glare to Malice, who was now hysterically laughing at her.

"Took you long enough." She paused, "T-O-P Agent Jonquil Peach." her smirk started from her left eye and ended at the other one. "I wonder how they promoted you to that title in the first place."

Jonquil's brain went blank. She wasn't panicking, she wouldn't allow herself to. Just how the fuck- was she blinded like this. And this dizziness. Her eyes went to the water bottle she was holding few minutes ago.

"6 doses of chloroform and 18 doses of xinezule was mixed with the water solution." Malice smirked, "Again it took long enough to settle up within you, remarkable immunity not gonna lie."

Oh no.

She needed to escape.

There's no way she could fight off three healthy trained persons with this condition of her.

18 doses of xinezule? Motherfucking-

A normal person could die with that amount of doses.

How could she betray herself like that.

She needed to escape. And definitely with the white suitcase.

In a flash Jonquil grabbed the suitcase from her side and with her other hand, she aimlessly kept pulling the trigger. The agents weren't ready for the sudden attack. They barely survived from the shootings.

Realizing that she used all her bullets. Jonquil pulled up her elbow blowing away Zhang's nose and used her left leg to rise kick Jesul, knocking out both of the agents.

"Your comrades seems pretty useful." Jonquil stood across the helicopter, facing Malice.

Malice sat still, with a wicked smile plastered on her face, "They tend to be, not gonna lie. And also not to lie, you seem too."

"You can't keep your words to yourself, can you?"

"Not really, I consider myself a very honest person, you know Top Agent. And I also know that your energy level has decreased to zero, and now you got no option but to surrender."

Darkness overflowed through Jonquil.

Her vision went pitch black as she collapsed against the sneeringly cold metal ground of the helicopter, but again resurfaced with the image of

"I wanted to keep you alive for more time you know." Jonquil saw Malice's black boots clacking their way to the fallen white suitcase as her lashes flattered.

"But your ego is what disgusts me even more, gives me the nasty urges to shoot a hole through you brain right now." Jonquil looked up seeing Malice holding a gun at her, ready to pull the trigger.

And that is when she gathers up all her remaining bits of energy and forces her hand to grasp Malice's leg and pull it at a high speed. Malice also collapsed to the ground along with Jonquil.

"Narcissistic Bitch." Jonquil utterred as she got up holding the metal sides as a support. And quickly took the white suitcase, opened it, went for the pendrive and tucked it inside her pocket of the burgundy tuxedo.

And before she could even close the suitcase, dizziness played with her again and a smack on her head was all to make her collapse again.

"How dare you call me a bitch." Malice barked as she aimed the gun at Jonquil.

Facing the cold metal ground again, Jonquil smirked. Her lips were cut and forehead was heavy injured. She could taste her blood mixed with the metal floor. And she smirked.

"And you're smirking?" Malice scoffed, "You're unbelievable, Jonquil Peach, you know that? You're about to die, and you're smirking."

Jonquil tried to get up, and got shot in her arms. In a few seconds the burgundy fabric was replaced with warm red blood dripping on the ground.

"I am." She eventually made herself sit on the ground leaning on the door, holding her arm-which just has been shot-. While Malice was on the other side with the two other pals laying unconscious.

"I am smirking, because I know I am not going to.." Jonquil released the hand and held the door handle, "Die this soon."

The door shot open, and Jonquil rolled close her eyes. Making herself completely vulnerable to the great nothingness. Air washed over her, so did darkness. She was falling down. With a smirk. As she saw Malice's body peeking through the door, with her jaws dropped.

And the helicopter slowly went small from her view.

Before her vision was permanently pitch black, Jonquil made sure to pull the parachute string attached to the back of her burgundy tuxedo.