Misinterpretation or a Cunning scheme? II

Jonquil found a staff agent standing right outside the room. The female staff seemed to get startled at the sight of Jonquil coming out of the room at a flash speed.

"Natasha?" Jonquil's voice was low and sharp.

"Y-yes, ma'am."

"Lead me to my cabin." It was more of an order than a request. And before Natasha could think of anything else, she guided Jonquil to her cabin. It seemed like they were in the resident area of the bureau.

Stepping inside her enormous cabin, Jonquil couldn't help but look around the place. It was larger than her cabin back in Wadrid SEG headquarters. A wooden side table was placed just beside the white fluffy king-size bed. There was a washroom, even a minimalistic studio kitchen in a corner.

She spotted some clothes laying on the bed. Ignoring them, she got inside the shower first. Despite the slight improved health condition, her migraine was kicking in.

Filling the bathtub, Jonquil poured some body wash to foam the water up before setting herself inside the tub. She felt the cold water soaking her body in. Her muscles relaxed. And she closed eyes.

Resting her head on the wall, she tried to recall about what actually happened after she knocked out that waiter and collapsed herself. If Gwen was true, how on earth ended up here? If the enemy party sent the waiter, why didn't he kill her while he got the chance? Wait….

THE MAN WITH THE PECULIAR SHOES! She whipped her head up as her eyes widened. There was definitely a man by the time she was about to lose consciousness. Did he bring her here? If so, why? Who was he? Was he from the enemy party? If he was... why was she alive right here, taking a bath, living in a safe place?

Sighing in pure despair, she knew she was hopeless. There was no string that existed in her mind at the moment, that could connect and would make sense to her. Right now, her mind purely wandered around the field of confusion.

Realizing that it has been more than half an hour since she's soaking herself in the bathtub, she stood up tardily. She took the white bathrobe and just when she was about to wrap herself with it; she halted.

Mindlessly her hand went onto her shoulder, which had been shot a few days - or weeks ago–With her lips parted she looked at her reflection on the clean illuminated halo mirror. Her injury...was healed? How so?

It wasn't surprising that she woke up in the Srance's SEG bureau not dressed in the yellow summer dress she was wearing before she was last conscious. She had found herself wearing a black turtleneck sweater with full sleeves, therefore she didn't notice anything about her injured arm.

Giving up on trying to find any more answers to her endless questions, Jonquil averted her gaze off the mirror as she quickly wrapped herself with the bathrobe.





Gwen's head turned back, a smile flashed across her seeing Jonquil walking towards her, dressed up in a plain white shirt and dirty pink trousers.

"Jonquil, sweetheart please take a seat. I have ordered your favorite White sauce lasagna, the food is yet to arrive." They were at the cafeteria of the bureau. The place was quite spacious and mostly with empty tables.

Jonquil pursed her lips as she took a seat, facing Gwen. "Thank you Gwen." She paused, "Now if you spare me the detailed explanation about what actually happened and how I ended up here, I'd very much appreciate that."

"After the major inconvenience occurred that night. We couldn't get hold of you Jonquil…" Gwen paused, "FOR 2 GODDAMN weeks JONQUIL. 2 weeks."

Jonquil could feel her jaws already had been dropped. "Last night, we got a hold of your location. It was a public park in the city. Our men found you wrapped in a blanket, sleeping on a sitting bench."

Jonquil's jaw could drop lower and eyes could get larger.

Gwen continued, "After we got you, I was so tensed about your health condition. The doctor said you were completely fine. But they have found a huge amount of Temazepam running through your veins. The doctor advised to take you to a bedroom, turning on the air conditioner, saying that the cold temperature would relax your muscles and you'd wake up faster than the usual schedule. But knowing how you sleep upright. I decided to set up a scene to make it look like you were kidnapped by putting you in a chair inside a dark room. I predicted it would trigger your memories, and you would've done something that could help us solve the situation. Sadly, after you woke up, you were awfully silent until I entered."

Jonquil was at a loss for words after hearing to what Gwen actually told her few seconds ago. Her brain was still processing all the information.

The waiter popped up out of nowhere with the tray of food, causing Jonquil to hang out of her daze.

"Now that I've cleared up myself from my side. How about you tell me what actually happened that night and after?"

Clearing up her throat, Jonquil sat straight, looking firmly at Gwen's eyes as she started. She told her everything had happened since she fell from the helicopter. To her stealing a car and the hotel. Her founding the pen drive empty and the waiter. She skipped the man with the peculiar shoes. She didn't know what restrained her from telling Gwen about that man. Her mouth just seemed to shut whenever she had the urge to speak about him.

"Long story short, Gwen. I am fucked up." Jonquil added her conclusion, sounding all hopeless and weak.

"You sure are Jonquil. Judging by the information you provided me, the amount of drug that were flowing through your body were enough to kill you anytime. But somehow you managed…" Gwen held her chin as if she was trying to connect the dots together while she trailed off, "to survive, that's interesting. Besides, the mystery of how you ended up here in SEG is still unsolved. Something still doesn't add up."

"Gwen…" Jonquil's soft, shaky voice instantly grabbed her attention. Gwen creased her brows, trying to comprehend whether Jonquil really sounded she was on the verge of breaking down or not. "I- I failed SEG. I failed you. I yet again failed myself for the second time…" at the right moment, it took her all the energy left to stay strong and not to break down in tears in front of her supervisor.

"Listen Jonquil. I understand where you're talking from. Even we are in the vague zone here. You were expected to run the mission successfully. It was completely unpredictable about what those three reverse spies did." Gwen reached out for Jonquil's hand and gently squeezed it.

"But Gwen, I should've been more careful. If I had not let my guards down, I would've been sitting here with you celebrating my success with that white suitcase."

"Jonquil, don't worry, we know you were competent enough for the mission we have had handed over to you. But it seems like everything is way more complicated and deeper than we thought it would be. In my point of view, the whole SEG is at fault for sending you off to such a risky and confidential mission without informing you beforehand about the worst situation happening. What can I say? I bet the Agency wasn't even aware of the worst outcomes in advance." Gwen sighed.

Suddenly, her phone inside her pocket started vibrating. Taking her phone out and seeing the Caller ID flashed across the screen, a silent gasp followed Gwen's expression.

Jonquil creased her brows, asking in gestures if everything was okay.

"It's a call from the higher ups Jonquil. I really need to take it." Gwen quickly took the napkin out as she cleaned her mouth with the napkin. Their food was finished a long time ago.

"How about you go back to your cabin? I will send someone to pick you up to lead you to my office after my call is finished? I still have a lot to discuss with you until we call it a day."
