
Somewhere in Netaly….

The sun was out. Grasses glistened in the touch of sunlight on them. Drops of water were visible in the grasses as a certain someone kept watering them with a black sprinkler. Everything behind the man screamed luxury and lavishness. There was a massive mansion was mostly made of glass and wood. It seemed like it was the back side of the mansion. Inside the mansion, one could easily detect a huge infinite swimming pool as the sunlight was falling on to the water, causing the crystal blue water to illuminate.

The man stopped watering his backyard. He loosened the grip around the sprinkler, and it immediately fell. Walking up to the medium-sized round tea table - which contained a chess board, bowl of biscuits and a cup of tea -, His hazel eyes met with a curious yellow pair with black vertical slit pupils. Flashing a smile on his perfect face, He sat on the chair and he patted the black furred cat, which was sitting on the table silently all the time.

"So Mao…"

The cat looked at him with pure disinterest.

"What do you think? Did she find the file?"

And the cat turned its face away, looking at the opposite way.

"Ouch, that hurt, Mao. C'mon don't act so rude towards you dad." He looked at the cat with pleading eyes, trying to get her attention.

But the cat kept ignoring him.

"Anyway!" The man instantly stood up, making the grumpy black cat flinch a bit. "She should walk on Hillinger streets by now. I am more than certain that she found the file." A mischievous smirk played across his lips.

"I should get going as well as and work on my grand entrance, shouldn't I Mao?" And the cat hissed, got up and jumped off the table. This guy was too annoying for her. All she wanted was just a casual beauty sleep, under the sun. This human had ruined it for her.




Serl City, West Coast, Hillinger.

It was only 8 in the morning, yet the Serl City Airport was bustling with people. Standing all stoic midst the crowd, Jonquil was holding her luggage trolley. Her eyebrows twitched at the sight of the massive amount of people. She hated crowds.

Now that she's in her hometown, Jonquil couldn't figure out what she should do next, more like where she should go.

She could stay at a hotel easily with the compensation money she had got from the agency- along with her million dollar savings, of course-. But the thing about hotels was, she wasn't really comfortable living there. And her safety came first.

Was home an option? Hell nah.

She'd better pickpocket someone's belongings, surrender herself to the police, and spend the rest of the year in jail rather than face her troublesome family. She's certain that the moment she'd stepped inside her house, her parents would marry her off to a stranger right away. The amount of struggling and pain she had to go through because of her family, 7 years ago, was beyond descriptive.

Hell nawwh.

"Honeyyy!!!" A familiar feminine voice pierced through her ears. Jonquil immediately looked all the ways to make sure if she had heard right or not. Jonquil suddenly felt extremely anxious. Her heart was bumming in her ears loudly.

"JONQUIL HONEY PEACH I'M HERE!!!" And finally Jonquil spotted a familiar petite figure shoving her arms up in the air, jumping into the middle of the crowd, trying to get Jonquil's attention.

Once her gazes met with Jonquils, a broad smile flashed across her face. The woman was shorter than Jonquil, 5'3 to be precise – Jonquil was 5'7 – Had short blonde and chestnut brown ombre hair. Jonquil and she had similar facial features- their noses and eye colors were the same. But despite Jonquil's expression-less gloomy aura, the woman emitted the aura of pure sunshine and rainbows.

"NANCY?!" Jonquil's jaw dropped at the sight of her elder sister dancing and jumping with her hands up in the air. "W-what the fuck are you doing here?!"

And before Jonquil could even process the situation, Nancy wasted no time and immediately sprinted towards her younger sister and jumped onto her. Tangling her arms around Jonquil's neck, and hugged her. Jonquil was surprised, but her balance stood firmly. But Nancy sure planned on squeezing her little sister to death.

With a deafening squeal, Nancy released and held Jonquil's hands.

"What the- How the hell you are here? Who told you I am coming back?" Jonquil bombarded her elder sister with a series of questions. Her brows formed into a tight frown.

"Calm down, calm down." Nancy breathed out as she took a step backwards from her raging-in-confusion younger sister, "And is that how you act meeting your sister after 7 whole years, Honey?" Nancy shoved her arms to her hips as she raised a brow at Jonquil and narrowed her eyes.

"Nancy, answer me."

Sighing in despair, Nancy shook her head. This sister of hers would get no better.

"Mrs Gwenille, emailed me." Nancy shrugged.

Jonquil's eyes widened in shock, "No..She did not-"

"Yes, she told me that the Agency was giving you a year off before you join the agency again with an upper post." Nancy trailed off and suddenly gasped a smile as if she remembered something, "OMG- Honey congratulationsss You got a promotion!!!" squealing in joy, Nancy again jumped on Jonquil and hugged her. Jonquil stood there, completely frozen.

"C'mon let's go! Mom and dad are waiting! You remember Jenifer? It's her wedding today. So glad you came back, Jonquil." Not paying any attention to her, Nancy grabbed the luggage trolley and started walking forward. Nancy couldn't even get a few meters ahead and Jonquil's arm already had stopped her. Jonquil strongly gripped the trolley from the back as her elder sister halted.

"Don't." Jonquil muttered in a low voice, "I am not going back home."