Stealth-ish #36

Author's note: I am motivated by praise and interactions! So if you like my stories and you'd like me to keep writing, then make sure to share your thoughts about the story with me via comments or reviews, and power stones - can't forget about those.


Name: Grayson Whitlock

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Archetype: [The Mad Sceintist (level 0)]

Class: [Thief (level MAX)] [Fighter (level MAX)] [Acrobat (Level MAX)] [Programmer Level 2]



Body: 50

Mind: 50

Spirit: 41

Stat Points: 0



[Brawling (level 26)] [Crime (level 25)] [Acrobatics (level 8)] [Computers (level2)]



[Dormant Metahuman] [Silent Step] [Eidetic Kinesthesia] [Superhuman Stamina] [Perfect Recall] [Accelerated Healing] [Energy Detector]


Archetype powers:

[Network Crash]


I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the zero next to my available stat points on my character screen. Had anyone told me there would come a day when I had zero stat points, I would have laughed it off since I used to hate using the damned things.

I still wasn't wholly comfortable with using stat points, but I can't let that hold me back anymore. My fight with Killer Croc had been a wake-up call for me.

Even though I didn't exactly lose that fight, I didn't win either, and under different circumstances, I might have ended up as the lizard's lunch. The realization removed the last traces of hesitance I had towards using stat points.

It made me realize I've been living in comparative optimism, also known as the "well, I'm going to pull through somehow" mindset. And almost "not pulling through somehow" completely removed that line of thought from my mind.

And all it took was one angry humanoid lizard wanting to rip my head off and chew my bones to make me get over. Quite the bargain, am I right?

So the first thing I did after choosing the Programmer class was to break into an electronic store and steal the most expensive laptop I could find to start grinding the Computer skill.

And grind the Computer skill I did, but the laptop I got wasn't anything special, and the best I could do with it was to create a worm game. It still leveled up my Computer skill once, but I'll have to find something better if I want to grind it faster.

'Maybe I should talk to Selina about where I'd find something like that?' I mused, making a mental note to do just that as I turned to my quest tab.

[Enter The Dragon III]

Your teacher has given you the mission of clearing out a warehouse crawling with heavily armed thugs.

Primary Objective: clear out the warehouse.

Bonus Objective 1: take out all opponents.

Bonus Objective 2: don't get shot.

Bonus Objective 3: ???


Primary Objective: +5 skill levels to the Brawling Skill

Bonus Objective 1: ???

Bonus Objective 2: ???

Bonus Objective 3: ???


I got the notification prompt shortly after I arrived near the docks and started scouting the area with my pigeon drone, but I ignored it after accepting to take the quest to finish scoping out the place.

'There are three bonus objective's this time, and one of them is question marks... I wonder what that's all about...' I mused as I read through the quest and noticed that the number of objectives wasn't the only difference.

'The second bonus objective was don't get shot instead of the usual don't get hit..' I observed, scratching my head. I had a bad feeling about that particular change since it could mean anything, and it sounded like a red flag.

But I didn't get to overthink it as Harley showed up, skipping her way towards me with her trusty bazooka slung to her shoulder, making my eyes twitch under my mask.

"Do you go everywhere with that thing?" I asked, raising my eyebrow under my mask as I turned to the crazy blonde and gestured towards the bazooka on her back.

"Only when I'm out to party," Harley replied, striking a pose as she turned the bazooka and put it over her shoulder, her finger carelessly resting on the trigger, with not a shred of respect for safety guidelines.

"Whatever, just don't point that thing at me," I muttered, rolling my eyes and deciding that quipping with the crazy blonde about her bazooka was not worth the effort.

"So, we gonna do this or what?" Harley asked, grinning as she turned to the warehouse. She impatiently gestured towards it, clearly itching to get things started.

"I don't see why not. Get in position and wait for the first gunshot, then blast the warehouse doors," I replied, shrugging as I got up and cracked my fingers. I'd come early to scout the place, and I already had a plan, so there was no point in delaying any further.

"Don't take too long. I get bored easy," Harley said, grinning as she watched me leave and began moving towards a vantage point where she'd have a clear view of the warehouse herself.

I merely shrugged as I took a deep breath and climbed down the roof to start jogging toward the docks, while sticking to the shadows to make sure no one would notice me.

I inspected the area with my pigeon drone one last time as I stopped, taking cover behind a stack of containers right in front of my target before running towards the fence surrounding the warehouse.

I quickly scaled the fence and dropped, making my way towards the nearest cover I found. I took cover behind a dumpster next to the railing as I heard two people approaching and peeked over the dumpster to see two gangsters patrolling the area and heading toward me.

"You know I've always wondered why GCPD never bothered with this warehouse..." Thug A remarked in a bored tone. "We've been here for how many months now? And I haven't seen a single badge snooping around the place..." he added, scratching his head.

"That's the boss' doing..." Thug B, who was causally carrying an assault rifle, replied with an equally bored tone. "Pigs are either on his payroll or too afraid to report what they see here..." he added as they finally reached the dumpster.

I immediately acted, slinging my wire towards the thug with the assault rifle, wrapping it around his neck as I charged the other. I caught his head before he could react and drove my knee right into his nose, unphased by the resulting crunch.

I let go of the thug's head, letting him fall to the ground in a heap as I pulled at the steel wire wrapped around the other's neck, making him stagger towards me. I caught his head from the side and bashed it against the dumpster, picking him up and throwing him inside in one swift motion.

Looking around to see if anyone else was coming, I loaded the other thug into the dumpster after disarming them and depositing their guns into my inventory.

I had no intention of using said guns, but I didn't want to leave them there to be used against me if they woke up before I concluded my business here, either.

Taking one more look around and checking my pigeon drone video feed, I quickly made my way to the next cover, a large, empty wooden crate with four thugs standing around a barrel near it, warming themselves and chatting.

I could sneak around them, but that wasn't the task Richard gave me. Every single ass on everything that moved needed to be kicked for me to complete my mission.

Wrapping my arms around the crate, I took a deep breath as I picked it up and threw it at the thugs. It hit one of them in the back, making him fall to the ground, taking another with him as he grasped his friend's clothes to stop himself from falling.

I charged before the thugs could make sense of the situation, dropping another one with a flying kick and using him as leverage to jump towards the other, knocking him out with a punch to the temple.

I moved on to the other two before they could get up, knocked them out with two kicks to the side of each of their heads, and began hauling the unconscious thugs somewhere more secluded where they wouldn't be found too quickly.

I was not under the illusion I could take out everyone in the warehouse unnoticed, nor was that my intention. But I'd prefer to be inside the building where I could find cover before the thugs knew I was there, since the outside didn't have much in the way of places to take cover.

Quickly hiding the unconscious thugs, I made my way towards the warehouse and started scaling the walls from the outside, making my way to the roof.

I peeked through a window in the ceiling, and raised an eyebrow at the sight of dozens of people hauling crates full of drugs all over the warehouse.

'Luckily, they're not all armed...'


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