Spiraling Out of Control #147

"Now that's more like it..." I muttered as I looked at the fireproof suit I'd just torched with Firefly's flame thrower, comparing how long it lasted to what the pyromaniac's fit.

Firefly's suit was still a bit better concerning heat resistance, but he designed it for that sole purpose. However, mine was bulletproof on top of being flameproof and lined with electric circuits, so I had to keep other considerations in mind.

It would still do its intended objective, which is to protect me from fire to a satisfactory level, and that's all I needed to consider the project a success, even if I'll continue working on it in the future.

It's been a couple of days since my meeting with Mark, and the suit wasn't the only thing I've been working on in my free time. Yes, you heard right, in my free time. I do this shit for fun now.

In any case, I've also worked on my Spider Drones, mostly their programming. As it turns out, a skill going over level fifty, which Computers did, was like overcoming a hurdle. It gave me a rush of new information.

I was now more than capable of programming the Spider Drones to do complex tasks such as using the forge and building Sentry Spiders and Guns on command.

It was still a work in progress, and it would take even more time to create a simple AI to manage my hideout and actual production lines, but it was a good step in the right direction.

I could play the role of the AI myself thanks to my Computers skill, Personal Computer power, and evolved brain. I intended to do that when necessary, but it wasn't easy and demanded my full attention.

In other words, it wasn't like I could be punching the shit out of someone and doing it at the same time as I usually do when I have to do something with my Personal Computer power. Thus an AI was necessary to maximize efficiency.

"Oh well..." I remarked as I inspected the pistol I'd dismantled and let my Spider Drone reassemble. It did it almost perfectly, with a little hiccup because its limbs malfunctioned for a second.

"Gotta work on that later..." I said as I kneeled next to the drone after disassembling it with my power. I picked up the malfunctioned limb and scanned it, immediately identifying the problem.

Sighing, I reassembled the drone and stood up to check the time. 'It's that time already...?' I scratched my head as I put down the machine and reluctantly walked to the exit.

It was finally time to meet Martian Manhunter and make the final decisions, which I'm ashamed to admit I still didn't make. No matter how long and hard I thought about it, I couldn't firm my resolve to agree or refuse.

And so I decided to do what every procrastinator would do; make it up as I go and do whatever felt natural when I got there and stood face to face in front of the martian telepath.


Unknown Location

"Have you figured out what Waller is planning, Riddler?" The Calculator asked as the robot with the tv showing his face turned to the villains dressed in a green suit, leaning on his staff.

"My sensors are picking up unusual heat signatures from their secret laboratory," he added, frowning before the image changed, showing the unusual scan results.

"Nope," The Riddler replied, grinning as he shook his head. "I've already told Clayface to stop whatever they're trying to do if he can't figure it out," he added with a careless shrug.

"There's no need to worry," he concluded.

"Is that so...?" The Calculator said, squinting as the scan report disappeared, replaced by his face. "I don't see Mothman anywhere, by the way. You wouldn't happen to know why that is?" The Calculator asked, his tone and expression turning several degrees more suspicious.

"Nightwing's been on his case lately... maybe he finally got him," The Riddler replied, clearly unconcerned with the anti-Batman villain's fate as if it meant nothing to him.

"Whatever the case may be, I'm sure Mothman would explain himself in due time," Poison Ivy interjected to end the subject. "Right now, we have more important things to worry about..." she added before urging everyone present to make their reports.


The Bowery

Batman had a blank expression as he stood over The Mothmen's unconscious body. He quickly bound the villain and started looking around his hideout, intently searching for something.

He's been following The Riddler's leads for several days now, and it had led him here, where he believed the final clue would be. Though the caped crusader was surprised to find Mothman here, he still made quick work of him, regardless.

Now, Batman only needed to find the last clue.

It didn't take the caped crusader long to find what he was looking for, a green calling card with a riddle, the last of many. "Old Gotham..." Batman muttered as he turned to leave after giving the GCPD an anonymous tip about Mothman.


Old Gotham

The secret laboratory

Enchantress opened the door to her room, raising an eyebrow at the security guard standing in the hallway. "What is it?" she asked, somewhat annoyed by the disturbance so late in the evening.

"I wouldn't be up at this time either if it's not business," the security guard said, having picked up on Enchantress's displeased demeanor, even if she tried to hide it.

"The eggheads are done with whatever they were doing..." the man said as he took a step back. "They want you in the lab as soon as possible," he concluded with a shrug.

"I see. Give me a second," Enchantress said as she exited the room, chanting her own name, causing her casual clothes to disappear, replaced by her green-golden costume.

"I gotta learn to do that," the guard said with a chuckle as he took a moment to look at Enchantress' outfit. "This way," he added, turning around as he started walking, and she followed suit.

"The eggheads still didn't tell you what they're cooking in there?" The guard asked, making conversation as they walked to the lab, causing the heroine to sigh.

She was used to the man's questions after spending several days in the laboratory as he would randomly ask all kinds of questions to pass the time and didn't even feel suspicious, unlike the first time he asked about the matter.

"We've already established that I'm as clueless as you are," Enchantress replied, rolling her eyes at the security guard. Though chatty and big-mouthed, the man was witty and entertaining, so she never found him annoying.

"Damned geezers are as secretive as ever I see. They'd gladly share all the boring stuff but never the exciting stuff," the guard said, scoffing as he shook his head before stopping.

"We're here," the guard said as he stopped before the laboratory's door and walked to the window to push the call button. The same elderly scientist came to the window, then headed to the door after seeing the guard and Enchantress.

"What took you so long?" the elderly scientist said, clearly annoyed as he opened the door and glared at Enchantress. "You know what, it doesn't matter, hurry up inside. We have work to do," he added as he stepped inside and stood at the door.

Enchantress sighed in exasperation, but she did not feel like wasting her time arguing with the elderly scientist. The sooner she finished her job, the sooner she'd get to leave, after all.

The guard looked as Enchantress entered the laboratory and quickly put his foot at the door to stop the elderly scientist from closing it, much to the latter's confusion.

"You're not allowed inside," the elderly scientist said as he glared at the security guard, trying to stare him down after getting over his confusion that turned into impatience and anger.

"I have to insist, I'm afraid. Director's orders," the security expertly lied through his teeth, clarifying his intention to go inside as he met the elderly scientist's glare without backing down.

"Fine, but touch anything, and you'll be fired before you even say sorry," the elderly scientist said, his frown becoming more intense. Had he checked, he'd know the guard was lying, but he was too impatient to start the experiment.

The guard, of course, knew that and was banking on it. "Sure thing, boss," he said, shrugging as he entered the laboratory as the elderly scientist closed the door behind him.


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