Upgrades! #198

[Due to reaching a milestone in your Mind Attribute, you unlocked the following perks: (Energy Adaptability) (Energetic Psychokinesis)]

[Energy Adaptability: the ability to consciously alter your energy to any form you wish. As long as it exists around you, you can reformat your power source to that different energy source to adapt in battle and overcome perceived energy-based weakness]

[Energetic Telekinesis: the ability to manipulate and otherwise interact with matter using energy, enabling you to achieve feats such as levitation, telekinesis, and homing effects]

[Your perk (Empathy) has evolved to (Energetic Telepathy)

[Energetic Telepathy: the ability to scan, project and interpret thoughts using your energy, enabling you to achieve feats such as remote telepathy, mind reading, and telepathic combat]

[Your perks (Energetic Telepathy) and (Energetic Telekinesis) have merged to form a new one (Ergo-Pisonics)]

[Ergo-Pisonics: the ability to utilize pure or otherwise types of energy to grant yourself mental and psychic powers, enabling you to achieve feats such as Telekinesis and Telepathy (the application, power, and scale of the perk is heavily reliant on the user's Spirit Attribute]

'Hmm...? No more merging...?' I paused as I read through the remaining Spirit upgrades, raising an eyebrow. Don't get me wrong, they were incredible, but I expected them to combine into one perk, considering what happened with the other attributes.

[The Spirit attribute works differently from the other two. Its related perks have not reached the required level to merge]

'Huh... makes sense... I think...?' I scratched my head, unsure what to think of the system's words, but I suppose it doesn't really matter since the two new perks I received were plenty impressive.

"Now I have a shit ton of things I need to try..." I remarked to no one in particular, smiling as I pondered the upgrades from my three attributes and the quest reward.

'And I still have three more to look forward to...' I mused as I turned to the last remaining notifications.

[+1 level the Mad Scientist archetype]

[You have unlocked the Mad Scientist archetype power: Living Catalyst]

[Living Catalyst (locked): the power to cause, reverse, speed up, slow down, or otherwise alter chemical reactions, including the speed of oxidization from a slow rust to a burst of flame, akin to a living chemical catalyst]

[The Living Catalyst power is currently unusable due to the host's low-level Chemistry skill]

"Looks like I got another incredible power..." I muttered, shrugging my shoulders. Too bad it was unusable, as I've neglected my Chemistry skill since I received it, what with how busy I've been.

I suppose I already had a shit ton of powers and abilities to master, so maybe putting this one on hold wasn't all bad. 'Now to choose the next archetype class...' I sighed at the prospect of getting another skill I'd likely neglect and possibly another power that won't work.

After some thought, I settled with the Surgeon class since I'd need it to fix Richard's arm. I might be capable of creating a new, functional limb for my teacher, but I lacked the knowledge to "install" it.

[You have gained a new class: Surgeon]

[You have gained the skill: Medicine]

[Medicine: After a tough fight, it pays to know some first aid; This skill covers the ability to heal injuries and diagnose and cure diseases through modern medicine]

[+3 stat points]

[You have gained the power: X-ray Vision]

[X-ray Vision: the power to see x-rays, electromagnetic waves of high energy and very short wavelength, which is able to pass through many materials opaque to light, mainly used for medical purposes]

[+23 accumulated class levels to the Surgeon class]

[Surgeon (level 24)]

[+69 stat points]

[Stat points: 99]

[+1 level to the Mad Scientist archetype]

[The Mad Scientist level 7]

[You have gained the power: Instant Surgery]

[Instant Surgery: the power to perform surgery in a matter of seconds, without any aid from others whatsoever, depending on your Medicine skill score and Mind Attribute]

"Called it..." I remarked, shrugging as I read through Instant Surgery's descriptions, as I would not be able to use it until I raise my Medicine skill to a decent level.

Still, it was quite a convenient power to have. I fully intended to grind it out as soon as possible, as I didn't want a repeat of Mark's situation and the helplessness I felt at the time.

'Might as well put those stat points to good use...' I mused, sighing as I shook away the depressing line of thought and invested 33 points into each of my respective attributes.

In the end, my status screen looked like this:

Name: Grayson Whitlock

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Archetype: (The Mad Scientist level 7)

Class: [Thief (level MAX)] [Fighter (level MAX)] [Acrobat (Level MAX)] [Programmer (Level MAX) [Gunman (level MAX)] [Mechanic (level MAX)] [Duelist (level MAX)] [Artist (level MAX)] [Scholar (level MAX)] [Linguist (level MAX)] [Chemist (level MAX)] [Surgeon (level 24)]



Body: 283

Mind: 283

Spirit: 283

Stat Points: 0



[Brawling (level 57)] [Crime (level 58)] [Acrobatics (level 41)] [Computers (level 59)] [Gun Mastery (level 35)] [Mechanics (54)] [Medieval Weapons Mastery (25)] [Art (5)] [Knowledge (18)] [Language (12)] [Chemistry (10)] [Medicine (1)]



[Dormant Metahuman] [Silent Step] [Energy Detector] [Augmented Reality Vision] [Energy Conductor] [Metallurgic Intuition] [Ricochet Intuition] [World Wide Access] [Energy Conversion] [Menacing Presence] [Emp Surge] [Supernatural Body] [Supernatural Mind] [Energy Adaptability] [Ergo-Pisonics]


Archetype powers:

[Network Crash] [Code Manipulation] [Personal Computer] [Machinery Scan] [Machine Control] [Machine Morphing] [Chemical Analysis] [Metabolism Manipulation)] [Living Catalyst (locked)] [X-ray Vision] [Instant Surgery]


'Not bad...' I mused, nodding in satisfaction. "Now for the fun part..." I mused, grinning as I retrieved The Leviathan Axe and twirled it in my hand.

"Time to take you out for a spin..."


The Coventry

Inside an empty warehouse

"This sure brings me back..." I muttered to no one in particular, chuckling as I closed my eyes in concentration and extended my hand forward, to which the empty soda can in front of me levitated off the ground and settled on a cinder block.

It was something I did a lot as a child, after watching superhero movies, especially. Except I'd only make myself look like an idiot back then, what with my clenched butt cheeks and constipated face.

I smiled, shaking my head as I retrieved the Leviathan Axe and threw it at the can, watching as the weapon's sharp edge cleaved it in half, toppling the brick wall behind it and embedding itself in the ground.

I willed the axe back into my hand, and it flew right back, sending out blue, chilly air as it spun into my extended palm, to which I grinned, resisting the urge to fist pump the air.

The Leviathan axe allowed me to summon blizzards, shoot freezing rays out of its edge, and even more. But out of all the potential uses for the axe, I loved the recall mechanic more than anything else.

The fact that it was soul-bound meant none could use it besides me, which was pretty badass if you ask me. So yeah, I was pretty happy about the newest addition to my arsenal.

Picking up on the sound of crisp footsteps behind me, I maintained my smile as I turned around. "And here I thought you'd keep watching me for another thirty minutes..." I said, raising an eyebrow as I looked Selina in the eye.

She arrived shortly after me and had been watching me for more than 30 minutes, and I honestly couldn't care less. I was powerful enough that even if everyone knew about my abilities, there was little anyone could do about it.

I was not on Superman's level yet, but I wasn't that far off, and that's just my physical strength. I had other tricks I could rely on, not to mention my lack of fatal weaknesses, so Selina's snooping didn't bother me.

"I would, but it's getting too chilly for me..." Selina said without a shred of same, her eyes turning to the axe in my hand. "I like the new toy, by the way..." She went on, her expression lighting up in curiosity.

"You have to hook me up with whoever's making you this stuff..." Selina Jokingly concluded as she approached me, letting out a chuckle as she stood before me.

"I'll think about it once you start paying back the many favors you owe me..." I replied, rolling my eyes as I turned away from the brunette and levitated the cinder block, shooting it into the sky.

"Speaking of which..." Selina said after a brief pause as she watched me throw the axe at the block, to which it hit, freezing and splitting it right in half. "Thank you for what you did in the hospital... I know you didn't want to get involved," Selina went on, causing me to sigh.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I blankly said as I retrieved the axe and turned to her, shrugging my shoulders and faking ignorance, much to Selina's amusement.

"Either way, take this..." The brunette said as she reached into her purse and took out a black card. She extended her hand and gestured for me to take it.

"What's this...?" I asked as I took the card and held it in my hand to inspect it. I instantly recognized it as a sort of data storage device that would fit into the alien laptop I stole from The Intergang.


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