Battle! #220

Isis internally sighed as she watched the two men standing before her, sizing each other and preparing to beat the living shit out of one another. She wanted to interfere, but something told her they wouldn't listen, so she refrained and stepped back.

Black Adam made the first move as he grunted and charged Grayson at an incredible speed. He was so fast it looked like he teleported in front of the young man and swung his mighty fist, crackling with lightning, at his face.

Despite Black Adam's swiftness, granted to him by Horus, Gray was ready for him, promptly dodging the attack with a smooth step back, followed by a punch to the former champion's midsection.

The young man's counter connected, but Black Adam did not falter and retaliated with a punch of his own. He paused, raising an eyebrow as he watched the lightning disappear from his fist before hitting Gray as the latter took it without stepping back.

Suddenly a visible golden aura exploded from within Gray's body, forcing Black Adam to shield his eyes and move back, to which the former capitalized, tackling the former champion.

Gray flew towards Black adam like a speeding bullet, tackling the latter with his shoulder as he ran into wall after wall until they were outside the sorcerer's hideout.

Black Adam didn't stand still as he rained punches and elbows at Gray's head, but the latter grit his teeth and endured the barrage without reaction until they were outside.

Gray let go of Black Adam, regained his balance in the air, and channeled energy into his right as the former champion continued flying backward, unable to stop his momentum.

The young man raised his arm as a fiery sphere appeared in his hand, rapidly growing in diameter at an alarming rate, to which Black Adam responded by extending his hand forward as it cackled with yellow lightning.

Gray brought his hand down, sending the now gigantic flame sphere in Black Adam's direction, and the latter released a yellow, electric snake of the same size in retaliation.

The two elemental attacks collided mid-air, creating a massive heated shock wave that melted the sand in its considerable range, creating a lake of clear liquid.

Gray couldn't help but smile as he looked at the aftermath of the clash, as he retrieved the Leviathan Axe from his inventory and charged Black Adam, who met him halfway above the newly formed lake of heated, liquid quartz.

Black Adam's fist met the edge of Gray's axe, releasing another massive shockwave. However, it was chilly and cold, freezing the former's fist and forcing him to step back as the freezing winds engulfed the area.

The former champion raised his fist and watched in fascination as the ice continued to creep upward as if to devour him as the cold winds froze even the melted sand, turning it into clear glass.

"That weapon of yours..." Black Adam said as he dissipated the ice on his arm with magical lightning. "I sense the might of a god inside it..." He went on as he gave Gray a confused look.

"I carry the wisdom of Zehuti, yet I do not recognize such an artifact... where did it come from...?" The former champion asked, seemingly puzzled by his ignorance of the Leviathan's Axe more than the weapon's might.

"Your wisdom comes from Zehuti..." Grayson said as he brandished the axe, causing the chilly wind to dissipate. "But even if the good of the moon were here, he wouldn't recognize it either," He went on, shrugging his shoulders as he stored the axe in his inventory.

"Your weapon is not of this world..." Black Adam said, his brows rising as he put on a thoughtful expression. The wisdom of Zehuti was boundless, as the god of the moon knew almost everything there was to know in the world, especially concerning other gods.

If Zehute did not know of a godly weapon, it was not of this world.

Gray didn't reply and retrieved Ebony and Ivory from his inventory as he prepared to continue the battle, to which Black Adam responded in kind as he raised his fists and channeled lightning into them.

However, the battle did not continue as a giant tree emerged from the ground and got in Black Adam and Grayson's way. "Now that you two gentlemen are sufficiently acquainted, I believe there is no longer a need for fighting..." Isis calmly said as she stood on the enormous tree, crossing her arms.

Gray turned to Black Adam and hesitated for a second before putting away his guns with a shrug, to which the latter's posture relaxed, and the lightning surrounding his body dissipated.

"Adrianna..." Black Adam said, his eyes glowing as he scanned the brunette, his stern expression softening. "It's not an illusion... you truly are alive..." He went on as he briefly turned to Grayson before returning his attention to his wife.

"I am. Felix Faust resurrected me as you demanded, but he deceived you to escape the Tower of Fate..." Isis said, nodding her head. "I was under his spell, so I could not warn you before you departed in your anger..." She went, her expression hardening.

"I was under his spell, no more than a puppet ever since..." Isis said, gritting her teeth in frustration as she turned to Grayson. "Until this young man arrived to set me free..." She went on, letting out a bitter sigh.

"Speaking of which, what happened to the sorcerer?" Isis asked with a frown as she took a deep breath and calmed herself. "You said you defeated him before coming here...?" She asked in a calm tone, but her clenched fists betrayed her feelings of rage.

"I did. I robbed Faust of his memories, which is how I learned about this place," Grayson calmly replied, shrugging his shoulders. "I also took his magical knowledge before giving him to the authorities, so he's no longer a threat," He went on, maintaining a composed expression.

"I see. I couldn't imagine a more fitting end for such a scoundrel," Isis said, letting out a sigh of relief as if the sorcerer's fate no longer mattered to her, but both men could see through her act.

Black Adam even saw through Grayson's act and his subtle attempt to goad them into going after the sorcerer by inadvertently revealing his location and his vulnerable state of being, but the former champion said nothing.

"You have my thanks, young man," Isis said, bowing her head towards Grayson before turning to face her husband. "The souls of the four horsemen have survived, despite your victory, Adam," She went on, her tone turning grave.

"They are still inside this country, using their profane powers to control the dead and rebuild their bodies," The brunette continued, much to her husband's surprise and anger as his face twisted into a rage at the mention of the four monstrosities.

Black Adam would never forget the day when the four creatures suddenly appeared in his homeland, laying waste to Kahndaq and slaughtering his people.

They managed to defeat the four horsemen, but only after they killed Black Adam's wife Isis and her brother, Osiris. Even then, one of them survived and fled to Bialya. The former champion pursued, and a great battle ensued.

Black Adam emerged victorious, but the citizens of Bialya suffered greatly as the battle caused over two million innocents to perish. It didn't end there, as the Justice League and The Marvel family hunted him down, which led to even more death and destruction.

It was only natural for Black Adam to instantly fly into a rage upon learning that the enemies, who caused him so much grief still lived.

"We must avenge our people and my brother, but ther are more pressing issues..." Isis said, her face turning icy cold as she turned away from Black Adam and into the horizon.

Black Adam didn't say anything and merely nodded.. He teleported next to his wife, putting a hand on her shoulders, to which the duo immediately vanished, leaving Grayson alone in the desert.

"I better grab the loot and get out of here before someone finds a way to make this about me somehow..." Grayson muttered to no one in particular, letting out a bitter chuckle as he slowly levitated toward the sorcerer's hideout.


Western Bialya borders

"This country never seems to get a break..." Superman said, sighing as he turned away from the village beneath him and towards Wonder Woman, flying next to him.

"Indeed. How I wish we could do something for these people..." Wonder woman replied with a bitter sigh as she shook her head. "But the rulers of this country and others like it do not look on us favorably..." She went on with a grimace.

"They would rather see their people suffer and maintain their position rather than let us in and risk losing their power..." She concluded, her expression a mixture of anger and sadness as she looked at the people below.

"Either way, we must stay focused. Our mission to stop the undead creatures takes precedence for now..."


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