Assembling the Strike Team #313

Lobo leaned back in his chair, a sly grin splitting his face. "Well, well, well... you got my attention, kid," he said, twirling his knife again. "Going after the Guardians is no small feat. They're a powerful bunch, but if the price is right, the main man might be convinced to lend a hand." He added, leaning into his stool.

Crush chuckled beside Grayson, knowing Lobo's love for a good challenge. "You should know... he doesn't come cheap. And he's not exactly the most cooperative team player," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

Grayson nodded, understanding the reputation that preceded Lobo. "I've heard the stories. But I'm willing to negotiate terms that will satisfy both parties. I need someone with your skills and expertise to take on this mission..." He said, alternating his gaze between Lobo and Crush.

"As for his willingness to play nice with the team... that won't matter..." The young man said with an unconcerned expression. "I need you to be the distraction..." He concluded, his gaze settling on the intergalactic mercenary.

Lobo stroked his chin, considering the offer. "Alright, let's talk business," he said, leaning forward. "What exactly do you want from me, and what's the pay?" He asked.

Grayson leaned back in his chair, a confident smile on his face. "I need you to create chaos, draw the attention of the Guardians away from our main objective," he explained.

"You're known for causing mayhem and being a thorn in their side. I want you to be that thorn again, but this time, as part of a larger plan..." The young man concluded.

Lobo chuckled, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Sounds like my kind of gig," he replied. "But what's in it for me? I don't do anything for free, especially when taking on a bunch of powerful, cosmic do-gooders..." He added, trailing at the end of his sentence.

Grayson reached into his pocket and pulled out a small data chip. He slid it across the table to Lobo. "Consider this a down payment," he said. "It contains a substantial sum of credits, enough to cover your expenses and then some. And once the mission is complete, you'll get a nice, juicy bonus..." He added, watching intently as the mercenary picked up the chip.

Lobo examined the data chip, turning it over between his fingers as he weighed his options. The promise of a substantial payment and a bonus was tempting, but he couldn't shake off a nagging suspicion. He had heard rumors about Grayson's recent exploits, defeating Darkseid and saving the universe. It made him question the true nature of this mission and the potential danger involved.

"Lots of credits, huh?" Lobo said, raising an eyebrow at Grayson. "Seems like you're willing to throw around a lot of dough for a little distraction. What's the real story here? Why do you need me to go up against the Guardians?" He added, shooting the young a suspicious look.

"I've heard about you... Mr. Earth's savior..." Lobo said, looking Grayson straight in the eye. "Supposedly, you defeated Darkseid some years ago and saved your planet... some people say you're the most powerful being in the universe..." He added, his expression shifting as he spoke.

"Knowing that... I can't help but wonder..." The intergalactic mercenary said, his tone growing more severe as he spoke. "Why do you want to go after the guardians... why the hell do you need my help?" He asked, scratching his chin in thought.

Grayson's smile faded as he met Lobo's gaze. He could sense the mercenary's skepticism and suspicion, knowing that Lobo had a keen sense for detecting deception. But Grayson remained composed as he prepared to fabricate a story.

"You're right, Lobo. I did play a significant role in defeating Darkseid and saving Earth. But that doesn't make me invincible or infallible," Grayson replied, his voice steady. "As strong as I might be, even I have limits, and the Guardians are an ancient race, almost as old as time..." He added, shaking his head.

"As for my reasons... the Guardians have been secretly manipulating events and playing with the lives of innocent beings. They may claim to be protectors of the universe, but their actions don't always align with that noble purpose..." The young man explained in a steady tone.

Grayson leaned closer, his gaze unwavering. "I've uncovered evidence that they've been using their power to manipulate governments, meddle in the affairs of various planets, and even cause unnecessary suffering. It's my mission to expose their corruption and bring them to justice. But I can't do it alone." He said.

"Despite their power, intelligence, and influence, the Guardians have caused many problems throughout the ages, some of the oldest someone you might be familiar with... Larfleeze..." The young man continued, trailing at the end of his sentence.

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "Larfleeze controls the Vega System, a vast region of deep space rich in resources. He has terrorized the locals there for a very long, and yet the Guardians turn a blind eye to him because they had a deal..." He concluded.

Lobo's interest was piqued as he leaned in closer, curiosity getting the better of his better nature. "Larfleeze, huh? That greedy Orange Lantern? What kind of deal are we talking about here?" he inquired, intrigued by the mention of such a powerful entity.

"The guardians attempted to destroy Larfleeze at first, but he proved too troublesome for them..." Grayson calmly explained. "In fear, they struck a deal, allowing him to control the Vega System. In exchange, Larfleeze wouldn't leave the system, and he's been occupying it ever since..." He added.

"And it doesn't stop there," Grayson continued. "They were responsible for creating Atrocitus, the former leader of the Red Lantern Corps before I put him down about a year ago..." He added with an unconcerned shrug.

"The truth is that someone needs to put the Guardians in their place, and I'm willing to be that someone..." Grayson blankly said. "That said, I can't do it alone, and that's why I'm here..." He concluded with a sigh.

Grayson paused, studying Lobo's reaction. The mercenary's expression remained impassive, but Grayson could sense a flicker of doubt. He knew Lobo suspected there was more to the story and that Grayson was hiding something.

But Lobo chose not to call him out on it. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and let out a loud, hearty laugh. "Well, well, kid. You certainly know how to spin a tale," he said, amusement evident in his voice.

"The main man doesn't care much for the Guardians or their so-called noble intentions or yours for that matter," Lobo continued, his grin widening. "If you're willing to pay me, I'm in, but I'll need more than just credits as compensation for my efforts..." He added, crossing his arms as he gave the young man an expectant look.

Grayson reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, ornate box. He opened it, revealing a handful of red power rings pulsating with red, sinister light. "These are Red Lantern rings," he said, his voice low and compelling.

"The source of the Red Lantern Corps' power. Fueled by rage, they can turn even the meekest beings into unstoppable forces of fury, granted they get angry enough..." The young man said with a grin.

Lobo's eyes widened as he beheld the rings. He could sense their power, their potential. "You want me to become a Red Lantern?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Grayson nodded. "I don't really care... the red ring will be your payment... but should you use it in the mission, you'll be able to wreak havoc like never before..." He replied.

Crush smirked, her eyes glinting mischievously. "I've seen those rings in action. They're nasty pieces of work," she said, crossing her arms. "But can the main man handle all that rage...?" She mockingly asked.

Lobo chuckled, a low, throaty sound. "Control? Who needs control when you can have chaos?" he said, his voice filled with excitement. "Count me in, kid. The Guardians won't know what hit them..." He added, snatching one of the red power rings without hesitation.

And so, an unlikely alliance formed. Grayson and Lobo set their sights on the Guardians, their goals aligned in a twisted dance of vengeance and chaos. The world's fate hung in the balance as their plan began to unfold, with Lobo embracing the power of the Red Lantern ring and the ensuing chaos he would unleash.


Hannu and Soranik of the Green Lantern Corps materialized inside Sodam Yat's sleek spaceship, which floated silently in the vast expanse of space near Earth. Kilowog, a towering and muscular figure, stood at the center of the ship's control room, waiting for their arrival. He had already briefed Sodam Yat about the mission, and now the team was ready to discuss their next course of action.

Soranik looked around the high-tech control room, the holographic displays casting an ethereal glow on her face. "Kilowog, it's good to see you again. I hope the briefing went well."

Kilowog turned toward her, a stern expression etched on his face. "It did, Soranik. Sodam Yat is fully aware of the gravity of the situation."

Sodam Yat, his body emanating a faint green aura, approached his comrades. "Kilowog filled me in on the details we've received. The Guardians suspect Grayson Whitlock may be a threat and believe he is plotting something in deep space."

Hannu, his stoic gaze fixed on Sodam Yat, spoke with a resonating voice. "We must locate Grayson and assess the situation as soon as possible, but we needn't jump to conclusions. Even the Guardians might be mistaken."

Kilowog crossed his massive arms, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "That's why we're here, Hannu. We need to track him down, confront him, and gather information about his intentions."

Just as they were about to delve deeper into their discussion, a flashing indicator on the control panel interrupted their conversation. Sodam Yat swiftly tapped a button, activating the communication system.

A holographic projection materialized, revealing the determined face of Salaak, the Green Lantern Corps administrator. "Soranik, Sodam Yat, Kilowog," Salaak's voice echoed through the ship. "We've received credible intel regarding Grayson Whitlock's whereabouts in deep space. He is actively working on a plan to take down the Guardians."

Soranik's emerald eyes narrowed with concern. "Do we have any details on his plan or potential allies?"

Salaak's voice remained firm. "We've intercepted encrypted transmissions between Grayson and an unknown faction. The nature of their alliance is still unclear, but it poses a significant threat to the Guardians and the stability of our universe."

Sodam Yat clenched his fists, his determination shining through. "We cannot let the human's plan come to fruition. We must find him and put an end to this dangerous plot."

Kilowog nodded, his gravelly voice resolute. "Absolutely. We will assemble a strike team, head into deep space, and apprehend Grayson Whitlock before he can cause irreparable harm."

Soranik's gaze flickered between her companions. "Time is of the essence. We must act swiftly and decisively to neutralize the threat and protect the Guardians."

Sodam Yat, his willpower burning like a star, made his decision. "Agreed. We will locate Grayson Whitlock, apprehend him, and bring him to justice. The safety of the Guardians and the universe depend on it."

As the team prepared to venture into the depths of space, they knew the mission would be their most challenging yet. Grayson Whitlock was a dangerous individual, and the fact that he had an unknown faction supporting him made the situation even more complicated.


Hannu, Soranik, Sodam Yat, and Kilowog materialized in a concealed corner of the bustling resort planet. Grayson Whitlock had just teleported Crush, his trusted ally, back to Earth for her safety.

Exhausted from his relentless work, he sought a brief respite from his mission to take down the Guardians. Unbeknownst to him, the four Green Lanterns were closing in, ready to ambush him.

Their emerald energy constructs blended seamlessly with the vibrant surroundings as they stealthily approached Grayson's location. Kilowog, his massive frame crouched low, whispered to the team, "Remember, Grayson possesses incredible power. We must be cautious and work together to subdue him."

Soranik nodded, her eyes focused and determined. "Understood, Kilowog. Let's try to catch him off guard and disable his defenses."

As they neared Grayson's secluded villa, Sodam Yat's heightened senses detected a subtle distortion in the air. "He's using advanced cloaking technology to conceal his presence. Be on high alert, everyone."

With a synchronized nod, the team burst into action. Hannu, renowned for his strength and resilience, barreled through the front door, shattering it into splinters. Kilowog and Soranik followed closely behind, their green energy constructs forming protective shields around them.

Inside, they found Grayson standing in the center of an opulent room, bathed in the warm glow of artificial sunlight. His piercing blue eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and calculated determination. "Green Lantern Corps... just in time, too," He said with a grin as he raised his wrist to check the time.

Soranik stepped forward, her ring glowing brightly. "Grayson Whitlock, whatever foul play you have planne... it ends here. Surrender peacefully, and we can ensure a fair trial."

Grayson's lips curled into a sly smile. "Surrender? Fair trial? How quaint. I'm afraid you don't know what you're dealing with..." He said, shaking his head dismissively.

In an instant, Grayson tapped into his vast array of abilities. Energy crackled around him as he unleashed a barrage of cosmic bolts, each capable of toppling a city. Soranik swiftly erected a shield to protect the team, her willpower steadfast.

Hannu charged forward, his fists wreathing in emerald energy. With a mighty swing, he aimed to shatter Grayson's defenses. But Grayson effortlessly countered, summoning the power of the Starheart.Green energies clashed, creating shockwaves that rattled the surroundings.

Sodam Yat, his willpower burning bright, engaged in a fierce energy duel with Grayson. Their attacks and counters were a mesmerizing display of power and skill. Sodam Yat pushed the limits of his abilities, channeling the power of his ring to match Grayson's might.

After assessing the situation, Kilwoog promptly activated his ring's constructs to immobilize Grayson temporarily. Massive emerald chains wrapped around Grayson's limbs, restraining his movements. Kilowog's voice reverberated with authority. "Grayson Whitlock, your resistance is futile. Surrender now, or face the consequences."

Grayson's eyes glowed with an intensity that sent a chill down their spines. "Nope," he he said with a smile.

Before anyone could react, the young human tapped into his technology and magic, unleashing a devastating burst of energy that shattered the constructs restraining him. The sheer force sent the Green Lanterns flying across the room, crashing into walls and furniture.