
Avatars the reason behind their names is quite simple, they're the chosen vessels of the deity. Compatible with their power and divinity, along with their personality and beliefs. These players were known to possess such a world-bending power. And the first one that arrived upon this world was the god known for being the artisan of olympus

[Jin Kurenai LVL 31 Equipment on

Current status: Manifested

Title: Crimson smith

Class: Blacksmith

Blessing: God of forging

Hp: 120 (+20)

Atk: 89

Spd: 69 (+20)

Def: 80

Mp: 131 (+30)

Stm: 79 (+10)

Unused points: 0

Skills: Dexterity (D) Temperature sensory (E) Metallurgy (D) Crafting (E) Luck (E) Hammer arts (D) Item collecting (F) Appraisal (C) Blacksmiths rage (C) Metal manipulation (E) Sharp (E) Empower (D) Weapons origin (F) Explosive swing (F) Fire affinity (F)