Into The Edge We Go [3]

Woah why are guys here...? Back for more? Now's really not the perfect time for that, how come you may ask. Well, it started in the evening while im in the middle of the forest with these three running beside me. Oh right you're asking how I got into this kind of a mess, let's go back an hour or two

2 hours ago

'Characteristic is a big hulking player and his name is a Knight, which is a class that's mostly found to be a vanguard. There's no way it, can it? I don't think that it's a coincidence at this point, Esther, Kyo min soo. Also the time I met Gaust, even if the system gave me a hint concerning Gaust's current location. I can't deny the fact that I was the one that chose this biome in the first place I wonder if this has something to do with me~'

[Morris dodge!!!]