Familiar Faces

At some point in time when the requirement for a quest to start hasn't been met and the avatars along with the deities. Are stuck with a slow and dull that you tend to forget that you're inside a death game. The Game masters create some mini-quest that is closely related to the story of the trials. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back to my training

"Get some of today's specialty, a big juicy knuckle sandwich. Top it off with a left hook and a clean frontal jab!" Sam receives a direct and powerful punch that came with the force behind Morris's swing. Due to her following the flow of his fists, she quickly recovered while she maintained he footing

"Pweh... You're a different person when it comes to fighting, I didn't think you'll be this rough when it comes to our training," Sam spits out some of her blood, which came from her wounded lip