The Guardians End

Well, that was a shit fest, who would've thought we were fighting our illustrator this whole time. It's pretty clear that the three of us aren't that close, especially Yuri, she hates my guts. At least our reunion isn't that bad, at the very least she's not the most hated person I have on my list

"How is she? Did something happen to her condition is she awake?" Jin consulted Blake as soon as he left his post and came back from the other side

He was confronted by Jin who quickly asked him a ton of questions before he was released from his grasp. Morris places his hand on the back of his shoulders and slowly takes away his pent-up stress. He was the only one who could've stopped the Bounty hunter but he chose to stay by his side. He didn't know what he had with their illustrator or if the two have something that they kept a secret from him. In the end, he chooses not to ask since his words might weigh upon his friend