Double Trouble [1]

They say that a boss will get an extra boost on ints power once a difficulty was said to have been changed. Their power varies from a slight increase to the mostfucked up buffs that you could ever imagine. You could say that I had to be the most unfortunate person to fight this boss

[Vandrake the corrupt LVL 50

Body Possession: The tyrannical king

Hp: 2500

Atk: 300

Spd: 160

Def: 193

Mp: 178

Stm: 148

Skills: King's order, Demonic summons, Leadership, Tyrants call, Grant power, Defensive fortress, Power of the ruler, Possession, Corruption, Absolute penetration, Demonic weapon arts, Berserk, Compression, True form]

"Demonic summons!!! Lay your grubby hands in my chosen prey!!!" After their battle has been driven for a long time