Bloody theme park [2]

The ship he manned sailed through the countless phantoms below and onwards they fled to the Ferris wheel. But even as they moved faster than ever a pair of eyes watched from all angles by utilizing the cameras. In the dark and damped room where she surveils the rampage of Christoper Morris

[Archangel: Michael

Virtue: Patience

Role: One of the first seven weapons that the gods created in their past time when waging war against one another]

"Are you sure about this?" Whilst she monitors through the surveillance room a male figure crept up to her back asking once again

[Archangel: Uriel

Virtue: Chastity

Role: One of the first seven weapons that the gods created in their past time when waging war against one another]

"I've already made up my mind... we all agreed that the least viable of us seven will be his wardens. Don't stop me, Michael," Uriel remained seated and unmoved by his acts of worry so he decided to leave