Hatred & Lust

In the Roosevelt Palace, each section had its banquet halls and separate entry for guests without disturbing the other sections. Likewise, there was a central banquet hall which wasn't only luxurious but also vast with the capacity for thousands of people.

Since the welcome for the crown princess and her family was first given by the royal member, there weren't more than seventy members. Hence Catherine had to arrange in the hall that was managed on the westside of the palace.


In the banquet hall at the west of the palace,

The hall was vast and decorated to every corner with the gems and stones, decorative drapes were beautifully laced and arranged refinedly. The spring blooms were everywhere filling the air with freshness.

On one side of the hall, there was a large row of tables, full of delicacies. There were two throne-like chairs on the higher platform opposite the dining area.

The hall is perfect for the royal banquet with the royal household. Hence it was spacious enough for fifty-plus members.

The banquet was starting in the afternoon and expected to be complete by the night. Hence some were already holding the wine glasses, conversing happily on the surface.

The hall fell into silence when an attendant announced, "Crown princess of Anka and Crown Prince of Anka is arriving. Pay your respect."

The maids froze at their place and bowed towards the stairs. The men kept their wine flutes away and spread their arms into a wide O at their chest level as they lowered their heads. The women kept their one leg behind and stood in a curtsy.

Willingly or unwillingly, they welcomed the Crown princess and the prince with all due respect in their actions. If ignored, it was a punishable offense.

Since the two had returned to the palace after a long time, they had to pay their respect to their position. The position will be the future of Anka.

Zander and Eugenie stood on the highest step of the staircase and looked down at the Royal household. The household wished for Eugenie to be dead so that they could get the throne but fate had a different story for each one.

Eugenie was in a maroon-colored, golden embroidered velvet gown with a trail behind her. She was wearing a delicate but the second most powerful crown of the nation.

Contrary to her elegant appearance, her expression was aloof, or rather cold, as though everyone in the hall, owed her fortune.

Well, many of them owed her. Not the fortune but countless apologies that were hard to accept and forgive.

Next to her was Zander. The power of his position might not be as much as Crown Princess but his presence was no less than that of her. Unlike the calm principal of the Linwood Mage Academy or dating father of his daughters, his oppressing air could make the people tremble.

He never wished to be the crown prince and live such a complex life. But for his love, he was ready to cross the oceans, and move the mountains.

Now that he had two to protect closely: His wife and the elder daughter. Zander was aware he shouldn't slacken in his duties even a day and couldn't be careless.

Thus he was proud to have Freya who grew up strong like a son could grow up. With Freya around Alora, he could obey the Queen's orders without offending her.

Both reached the floor and the attendant announced loudly on behalf of the crown prince and princess, "Rise."

Everyone stood straight and met Eugenie's eyes when she brushed her eyes over. Catherine stepped forwards with her spouse Edward. "Welcome back to the Royal Palace, Crown princess Eugenie." She flashed a mocking smile. "I hope your life outside the palace was smooth and your journey was safe." Her mocking sound had the mask of worry. After all, Eugenie was soon going to be the most powerful woman in the nation.

Edward wasn't like his wife to show everything on his face. However, it wasn't a secret that he had tried his all to snatch their position, "Crown Princess, Crown Prince, welcome back to the palace."

Eugenie would have called Catherine a sister in the past, but she felt it was an insult to call that to Catherine. "Duchess Blewett, Duke Blewett."

Whereas Zander barely nodded to the greets. He wouldn't care to spare words to the people who tried to kill his wife and his elder daughter when she was just a toddler.

Zander took his wife away, unwilling to see the ugliness behind the beautiful faces.

After Catherine, Charlotte naturally arrived to greet the two with her husband. Their three girls also greeted them. One after the other, other members also greeted the two while anticipating the two princesses.

The attendant announced, "Welcome, Princess Alora and Princess Freya."

Everyone paused in their actions. The maids bowed, and the rest looked at the stairs while one was excited for Alora.

Everyone saw two girls standing at the top of the staircase. How hard they tried to look at Freya as they had assumed she will be the next crown princess, they just couldn't take their eyes away from Alora.

Her naturally wavy hair was designed delicately. A few hair locks were on her shoulders and the rest were on her back. On her crown, there was a tiara made of rare blue marquise cut diamonds.

What took the breath away of the audience was her dress. The inexpensive rare blue marquise cut diamonds were the size of an adult finger on Alora's dress. The bodice of her dress was adorned with the diamonds spread out from her small waist to her collar bones.

The off-the-shoulder dress displayed her delicate frame whereas the sleeves cover her arms. A simple rare pink diamond necklace laced her neck matching with the same earring.

As though it wasn't enough to make all the royal ladies envious of Alora to the depth of their bones, the skirt down her waist was quickly colored in shades of purple and pink that ended just below her knees. Her pearly slender legs were enticing to the eyes of men.

How could the king forget the foot accessory for his granddaughter?

Her delicate feet were in shoes that adorned the pink diamonds. One could say, her look was curated for many days to perfection.

If the outfit wasn't enough, royal princesses found their significant other staring at Alora's stunning face. Her ruby gem eyes were glittering between the dark eye makeup and her lips couldn't be more delicious in the pink tint.

Eugenie knew her daughter was beyond words, with some little makeover, she would look out worldly. But today, she felt like somebody was purposefully giving a grand entry to Alora.

Her eyes fell on Zander who immediately worded his innocence, "I know nothing about this." Then both knew who was behind it. King Lothar!! They could only smile at it.

Freya instructed Alora, "Sister Alora, don't start curtsy to everyone. Only to mother and father, then the king and the queen."

Alora countered, trying her best to maintain the faint smile under so many eyes, "That would be so disrespectful." There were many elders out there.

Freya didn't have time to explain to Alora. She asked with a bit of hurriedness in her tone, "Could you please listen to me?"

Alora: "..."

She pursed her lips and looked at her father who could have the patience and understand her better.

Anne tried to run up to Alora but Nova held her back, gritting his teeth, "I want that Tiara, mother." She would have asked for the dress only if it wasn't worn by her.

She looked at Briana who was excited to see Freya. She said through her teeth in a low voice, "Didn't I tell you? We have to fight to get the best for us. Or else just any ugly wench takes it away." Her voice was laced with jealousy

Anne was displeased hearing her second sister. She shrugged her hand release from Nova's grip and ran toward Alora.

Briana frowned faintly, anyway she managed to ignore his younger sister who always craves the best things.

On the other side, Eleanor, who was renowned for her beauty, felt conscious in Alora's presence. She felt like nobody and that made her insecure.

She turned to Evander, her husband for some validation for her appearance, However she found him ogling Alora. Angered, she poked him hard and looked away.

Not just Eleanor, many were envious of Alora who earned a lot of hatred and lust, instead of admiration or affection from a family.

Alora and Freya curtsied their parents and heard a lovely voice echo in the hall, "Sister Alora…"

Catherine's eyes zeroed on the youngest princess. 'Looks like the little princess is fond of the redhead lady. Tsk, how naive.' She snickered coldly at the sight.

She looked aside and met a maid's eyes. She tilted her head, pointing at Anne. Their target to harm was Anne and it will be blamed on Alora.