Torture the Girls

On the fourth day of Alora's training,

In the morning meeting,

Although the duties of the queen and the king are different, the morning meeting will always be one so that each one knows about the issues and progress of the country regarding every subject. Such that, in the absence of one person, the other person could easily handle it.

The crown prince and crown princess generally don't meddle with the nation's affairs, however, they were included to assist the queen and king so that they also get to know more about the ongoing issues.

After Lothar concluded that the trading related issue has to be discussed deeply after the meeting, a minister representing the commoners, stood up with a scroll in his hand, "Your Majesties, it has been five days, the commoners in the capital are eagerly requesting an audience with Crown Princess Eugenie." But they couldn't let so many people enter the place.

He continued, "We have managed to calm them as per crown princess orders." However, she also wasn't free enough to go to the capital and speak with the commons.

The minister came to the main point, "Hence everyone has earnestly sent an invitation to the throne and Roosevelt family through me, inviting you all to join us for the spring festival games that start in three days."

While the nobles arrange a banquet and the games like horse riding, hunting, polo, and so on, the commoners couldn't afford it. They play small entertaining games and have fun fairs.

The minister passed the scroll and looked at Eugenie for a response but the scroll was kept aside. Zander and Eugenie could attend and also represent the royals, they were aware it wasn't as simple as celebrating the spring. It was to bring Alora out.

The minister continued, "Pardon me for my impudence, Your Majesties, there are rumors about Princess Alora looks like a…"

He paused when his eyes met Lothar's cold gaze. He reframed his sentence with an awkward smile, "The rumors say that Princess Alora has red hair and red eyes. It would be amazing if Princess Alora could honor us at the festival and end the baseless rumors before it grows huge."

Duke Darwin noticed the changes on the royal's face. Even if he would like to provide a helping hand, it would be of no use. The red lady will cause quite a buzz very soon. He hoped Zander had some plan to control the coming chaos.

Thinking of Alora, 'Arihan hasn't come home for three days straight.' The Duke wondered if he should visit Arihan.


Eugenie was distracted for the next half of the meeting. Zander went to discuss issues related to the trading. She was heading towards her study room when she was blocked by an unwanted visitor.

"Your Royal Highness, Crown Princess…" Catherine's sarcastic voice irritated Eugenie's ears and the fake smile hurt her eyes.

Eugenie glanced at the maids who had streaks of tears on their faces, with their heads lowered and shaking terribly. She could guess the scapegoats for the fire incidents were arranged.

When the main perpetrator was right in front of her, Eugenie honestly wanted to let go of the maids who had to fearfully follow the orders of their master and sacrifice their life when the time comes.

However, as a crown princess, she couldn't do that. If the scapegoats couldn't trust them and tell the truth, they will be punished so that other servants think a hundred times before doing such tasks.

It had been decades since they weren't the loving sisters. So Catherine didn't bother about Eugenie's attitude. She cued the royal guards, who dragged the maids forward.

The maids immediately fell on their knees and started apologizing, begging for mercy, by adding a lie that they were scared of Princess Alora hence they wanted to get her out of the royal court.


Eugenie found it nothing but ludicrous. If people are just scared, they would maintain distance rather than provoke. Her cold voice rang, silencing the maids, "Quiet."

The guards lifted the two maids and Eugenie asked them politely, "If you tell me who is behind everything, I will snap their neck right here. Then they couldn't threaten you or others."

'Right here!?' The royal guards didn't need a word to say Catherine was playing behind the scenes. Unfortunately, they didn't have any evidence other than saying those maids worked for Catherine and the banquet was arranged on the west side of the palace.

Catherine clenched her teeth and glared at Eugenie who was getting bolder and more dangerous. Undoubtedly, the fear gripped her heart despite being prepared beforehand.

The maids looked at each other. Their family members were under Catherine's men. If they say the truth, their family members will lose their lives. Thus the two maids asked for mercy without telling the truth.

Eugenie wasn't a fool, she was aware of the malicious tricks of her elder sister. Unfortunately, those maids weren't understanding the situation. Whether Eugenie asks the maids in public or privately, whether they confess the truth or not, neither maids nor their families would live anymore. Catherine wouldn't leave a small piece of evidence to point toward her.

Yet Eugenie was infuriated at how Catherine escaped by using and killing innocents. She fiercely instructed the guards, "Throw them in the underground prison." It could keep them alive for some days. Hopefully their families too.

Catherine snickered. She was prepared for every reaction of Eugenie. Right after the maids enter the dark room, their parents and family were going to suicide leaving a note against the royal family. Well, it will be a mass murder.

It will cause a commotion among the commoners and the blame will go on Eugenie and Alora, after all, it is impossible to prove Alora's identity.

Catherine liked how everything was getting intense which was putting the mother and the next crown princess in trouble. She was proud of herself.

Catherine watched the maids leave before speaking, "Your Royal Highness, the spring banquet is nearing, everyone is eager to see you, and our darling princesses. I have arranged the tutors for Princess Alora and Freya." That was a royal duty assigned to the First Princess of Anka.

Catherine purposefully delayed arranging tutors so that those ladies could torture the girls in the name of quick learning.

Eugenie had no say here other than agreeing with them. She merely grunted and left with her lady-in-waiting.


Eugenie's lady-in-waiting was a noble lady who was in the mage academy with her. Dressed no less than a princess, the lady-in-waiting walked next to Eugenie voicing her worry, "Eugenie, those ladies will torture Alora." They would hold a piece of wood and strike the princesses even if they do right.

Eugenie can't meddle there. It will only trouble Alora. Now it was a test for Alora whether she will endure the unfairness or handle the situation meticulously. Since Freya will be around, Eugenie didn't worry.

A soldier ran over to Eugenie and bowed to her, "Your Royal Highness, Second Prince Wilburn from Crisal kingdom has arrived at the capital. He is being escorted to the palace." It was Eugenie's duty to welcome the important guests and arrange for their stay.

Eugenie's lady-in-waiting spoke right after the soldier, "I will get the maids and prepare chambers for Prince Agost." She left immediately.

Eugenie went towards the main entrace of the palace to welcome Agost as she heard more details from the prince.