A Saintly Life

Collecting some more flowers, when Alora went to find her mother. She was taken to the courtroom where most of the crimes got the final verdict.

She had just reached the door when a cold ran down her spine hearing Orla's irrefutable words, "Arrange the paddle to break her back."

Breaking back was chosen to avoid spilling the blood. The large wooden paddle will be thrashed on the back of the person. Either the person will permanently lose their control over the back and lay on the bed till they die or if lucky enough, the queen might stop after thrashing after a few times, giving them a chance to live life.

Alora has read about capital punishments for different crimes. However, she hadn't expected to hear it in such a short time.

How could a mother be so ruthless to her daughter?

Alora's eyes involuntarily went on Eugenie who also follows her duties before the relationship.

If one has to become stone-hearted to be a crown princess, Alora hoped she could be different. If she can't protect, take care of, and love her family, how could she work selflessly for the kingdom and its subjects?

Catherine fell to her knees, Eleanor and Helena closed their mouths with their palms, and Edward's eyes widened in disbelief and regret.

If Edward had an inkling that the punishment might get severe, he would have forced Catherine to listen to Eugenie.

After Eugenie and Zander returned with their daughter, the control over the royal palace didn't only lose from their hands, they were on the ridge repeatedly. The wrong step, they would lose everything.

Her punishment was going to damage the reputation of the royals and Blewett's. Yet his hands shook without knowing if he should interject or accept it. He couldn't afford to provoke Orla.

The hall was in pin drop of silence when a soft but resolute voice sounded in the room. "I object."

The people jolted to know who dared to refute the queen. There was another wave of shock when their eyes landed on Alora.

Alora could feel every pair of eyes following her every step. Some looked at her in pity while others in disbelief.

Why will she save Catherine when she was the victim? It was their question.

Alora halted in front of Orla and Eugenie and curtsied, "Greetings to Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness."

Eugenie wasn't worried about Alora offending Orla as Alora would have her reasons. Since Alora hadn't refuted her orders on the previous day, she understood Alora was saving Catherine from greater misery.

She looked at Catherine whose shrewdness didn't come to help, whose daughters and husband didn't put efforts to talk in her favor. Her daughter was very soft-hearted and high-minded to help Catherine.

Alora stood straight facing Orla, "I apologize for intervening, Your Majesty. If you allow me, I would like to put forward a few words."

Orla never stopped anybody from questioning her unless they had a valid reason. However, she wasn't happy with Alora's interference.

Although she was punishing Catherine for her deeds, a part of her was hoping for Alora to peacefully cultivate and adapt to the palace. With Catherine around, it wouldn't be easy.

Orla waved her hand, permitting her to speak. More than her, others were curious while Catherine was cursing Alora, assuming she was going to sever the punishment.

"Your Majesty, I accept the repeated negligence of Duchess Blewett at her work and the incapability of her ladies shouldn't be ignored." Her clear voice was void of hesitance and uncertainty.

Helena frowned. When Alora objected, she unawarely hoped for her to save her mother. She had started to believe Alora wasn't as bad as people were speaking but the innocent one who she had met at the river.

Then what was Alora up to?

Alora continued after a pause, "However it isn't proven Duchess Blewett is directly involved in anything to sentence her such a harsh punishment."

The people in the hall clearly knew it was Catherine behind everything. But it was also true there was no evidence.

Probably Alora was also aware that outsiders wouldn't dare to hurt her in the palace in broad daylight unless they were supported.

"If I had grown up in the palace, if I was known to the people of the Anka as the First princess of Linwoods, Would this situation have appeared?" People would have been scared to offend the crown princess.

But Alora was just a girl who couldn't be accepted as a Roosevelt or commoner. Thus it was natural for people to think she was a nobody and her life was worthless.

There was truth in her words. Alora wasn't introduced to the people of Anka, Orla's expression was cold when she asked, "Is it the crown's fault to delay your introduction?"

Alora shook her head, "I wouldn't dare say it, Your Majesty. I am just stating the facts."

Alora waited for any denial but the hall was silent. So she concluded, "Thus, how is it fair to the punishment for the incompetence of their duty with back-breaking?"

She wouldn't say Catherine shouldn't be punished. Her punishment shouldn't arise a dispute in the royal family and the nobles shouldn't point their fingers at the Roosevelt family.

Most of the people in the hall were displeased, finding Alora nothing but a fool Because her kindness and righteousness were giving chance for Catherine to be more dangerous.

They were right. Catherine wasn't melted by Alora's efforts to save her. Rather she was just happy to get away and started planning against Alora and Eugenie.

Orla could only sigh to herself. Ethically Alora stood above all of them. She glanced at Eugenie who used too many books and morals on Alora, without teaching her that sometimes it was necessary to cross the principles and be selfish.

However, Orla didn't make Catherine's life easy. One has to pay for their deeds, "Considering Princess Alora's words, I will take back my orders." She will blame Alora if Lothar asks her.

"Duchess Blewett will be sent for recuperation and reflect on herself. She will be leading a saintly life without connection with the outer world."

In simple words, Catherine wasn't going to get any maids, ladies. She wouldn't get any luxury but a simple hut to live in with two to three plain sets of clothes. She will have to live on fruits and river water in an unknown place.

Catherine's eyes widened in disbelief. She had only herself to blame. If she hadn't reached out to Orla, she would have lived in a manor with maids. Now she has to struggle to make do with her day-to-day life.

Orla questioned Alora with a bit of sarcasm, "Does Princess Alora have an objection?"

Alora realized she offended Orla who was going to be grumpy for a few days. She respectfully responded, "I don't have any objection, Your Majesty. I am grateful that you considered my words." She nodded in a bow and breathed in relief.

Well, her relief was short-lived.

Eugenie brought up another important matter to follow up, "The first Princess of Blewett is wishing to take over the duty of her mother."

Alora: "..."

Eleanor hated her. Just now her mother was punished. Thus Eleanor was definitely going to give her a hard time with others.

Alora looked at Orla, hoping for her to turn down the proposition.