Start the Change

"What is making you all confused?"

Alora could see Brax hesitating to answer that question. So she tried to ease him up, "It's alright. I have heard ugly, worse, hurtful remarks. Your response won't make me sad or mad."

She was aware of her situation and how people will perceive her. If few people are ready to accept her as she is, numerous people are frightened for various reasons and wish for her to disappear. 

Brax hadn't thought he would be meeting her in the woods and talking to her while their other friends were still jumpy. Since he was speaking on behalf of all instead of hurting her like Edvin, he decided to accept her every reaction to his words.

"Alora, maximum of the people are against you. These men will greet you on the surface, and also be mesmerized by your appearance but deep down they fear that you will bring doom to them."