The Epitome of Temptation

Livia was focusing on Arihan so she didn't notice Vidor's actions. Whereas Alora who had seen Vidor struggling was a bit surprised and more perplexed seeing him sit up so easily. Although there was a weakness, he looked a lot better.

She never heard of this kind of magical power that recovers their energy. "T-That's a quick recovery." Anyway, she continued to fan the man who couldn't catch his breath yet.

Mary returned with water and a few servants. Giving them water first, Vidor pretended to be tired when the servants helped them to get inside the mansion.

He watched Alora carefully. She didn't seem to realize what she did. Knowing that Alora was a divine healer, Vidor was left with messy thoughts and very unsettled. He couldn't think anything straight. If a part of him was trying to be greedy and evil, another part of him couldn't even imagine the struggles she will have to go through because of him. He was worried.