Worthless Achievement

Seeing Alora running towards them, everyone paused and turned to her. Behind her was Arihan holding her cloak. So they looked at each other wondering why she would run from him.

Alora complained to Kaven, going behind him, "Brother Kaven, Hell Master is still throwing his weight around. I don't want to train with him." She chose Kaven as others wouldn't dare to look at Arihan and Freya was her little sister.

Kaven had thought Arihan would gladly leave after Alora's decision. So he was surprised that Arihan was still sticking around.

Her friends almost choked on their spit hearing 'Hell Master' to Arihan. What left them baffled was Arihan's smirk for a brief moment.

Freya heard her sister and turned to Arihan. If Alora has to be trained by Arihan, then one will have to coax her and Arihan will have to apologize until she cools down. Freya chose to go with Alora's wish.