A Neglected Princess

'Why are you here?'

Arthur sipped wine taking his own sweet time. He suddenly narrowed his eyes at Edward, "What is the deal between you and Prince Agost?" He unemotionally asked.

In the next second, Arthur was back to his slothfulness as he moved to a comfortable position on the couch. He took another sip and hummed in satisfaction at the taste of the vintage wine. He added lazily, "Save your lies for somebody else, Duke Blewett." 

Edward and Marvin: "..."

Edward knew Arthur wasn't as simple as he showed to the royals. In the royals' view, Arthur was fooling around with his mistress but in reality, it was a facade to divert the eyes of the royals from him. Thus most of the time, royals have their eyes on the Blewetts. 

Edward won't be surprised if one day Arthur sits on the throne with a self-proclamation as the king because Arthur was that cunning.