
At Dawn, 

Alora failed to catch sleep after the incident. Whenever she closed her eyes, she saw the man brutally killing the innocent bird. But… Even that obsidian-eyed owl gave her goosebumps. 

Noticing the sky brightening, she quickly changed her nightwear as they would be leaving soon. She went out alone as her friends were fast asleep in different rooms.

Standing on the watchtower, her lips softly curled looking at the sky in the shades of red as it lit the sky. Her eyes brushed over the reddish-yellow dunes of the desert. She had read a lot about it. So she was itching to visit it before she leaves.

With soldiers bowing to her, greeting her, Alora had managed to reach the desert without anybody stopping her. Climbing on the dune, she enjoyed the landscape of the dunes with a morning cool breeze fluttering her hair.