What hurts more?

In Arihan's chambers,

The clanging of weights echoed in Arihan's vast chambers, his shirtless form glistening with sweat under the soft glow of lantern light. His muscles strained as he lifted the heavy iron barbell, his breath measured but forceful. 

He moved with precision, betraying not just strength but discipline, a man who thrived in control. Yet, as much as he commanded his body, his mind rebelled.

His mind replayed the scene from earlier—the venom in his own words, the tears that glistened in Alora's eyes.

He increased the weight and lifted it, as a form of punishment to himself.

He didn't mean to spout all the nonsense he heard Zade said out of anger. A part of him hoped Alora would hate him from that day on.

'You cannot win the game of love by refusing to play,' Helena's voice resounded in his head once more, her words cutting through the stillness like an arrow.