Her Knight

Arihan tried hard to control himself when the duke was lusting over Alora in front of the crowd. Well, he failed. He sheathed his sword out halfway when cold fingers gently tapped on his hand.

Arihan paused looking at the dainty fingers and met Alora's gaze. Her eyes betrayed her calmness revealing how uncomfortable she was. Yet, he reluctantly obeyed her silent orders before he ended up shedding some blood or creating a scene that she would have to clean up.

The duke flinched at the noise of sword sheathing, his gaze darting to Arihan's unflinching glare. The warning in Arihan's cold eyes sent a chill down the duke's spine, beads of sweat forming despite the cool air. 

Quickly regaining composure, the duke bowed stiffly to Alora. "Your Highness," he greeted, his voice wavering slightly. "It is an honor to have you here."