Nathan has no choice but to bring the brat who suddenly hugged him to his office. Imagine the surprise of those employees when they saw their boss carrying the little bun on her waist as if she is a sack of rice on his shoulder. It is obvious to them that the CEO has zero experience in taking care of children. A cute little girl like that should be treated with love and care.

But that's not the main point.

The point is, that they didn't hear their boss denying how the little girl addressed him. Is CEO Nathan Klein quietly admitting to the whole world that he has a daughter? Then it means he's already married? Is it really true that a miracle happened and a woman survived their boss's nasty attitude?

Goodness gracious!

But Nathan has no time to give attention to his gossiping employees. His attention is now focused on the photo he's holding and the brat who looks like Louisa and suddenly appeared in his company. For the little girl, she thinks her daddy number one is playing upsies with her although his method is different from the usual upsies that she knows.

When the elevator door opens, Nathan takes huge steps until they arrive inside his office. Without any rhymes, the CEO throws the little kid on the sofa. Fortunately, the sofa is made of expensive soft leather. The little bun bounces on the sofa and her nicely combed hair are now ruined.

Assistant Lim almost shouts at his boss for treating the little bun like that. Boss, she's not a ragdoll that can you can just toss around! He's really heartless. His boss cannot even treat the little girl with gentleness.

But Nathan doesn't care about it. His heart is not easily swayed by these things. The CEO takes a seat next to the little bun and shows the photo he got from her earlier.

"Why do you have this?" Nathan asked in a serious voice. "Who gave this to you?"

"Mommy gave it to me." The little girl replied while removing the hair that is covering her face.

"And who's your mother?"


"I mean her name. What's the name of your mother?"

"Oh. It's Lusa!"



"Lusa! That's my mommy's name!"

Nathan clicks his tongue when he cannot get a proper answer from this kid.

"Do you mean Louisa?" Nathan tries again. "That's your mother's name, right?"

"But that's what I said, daddy." The little girl replied while tilting her head. "Daddy, are you deaf?"


Nathan takes a deep breath and tries to be more patient with her. For now, there are things that he needs to know from her. After they tried to find Louisa in the past, the three of them failed and no one can get any information related to her. It's like Louisa has disappeared on the Earth's surface.

But now, Nathan has a chance to know her whereabouts. Although he's also a little surprised that Louisa has now a big child like this one in front of him. It seems like the rumors saying she eloped with an unknown man in the past is all true. Nathan can't help but scoff thinking that Louisa really got in trouble just like what he'd imagined once she leaves the ivory tower that they built for her.

"How did you get here? Who brought you into my company?"

"Mommy brought me here!" She happily announced.

"Louisa's here?"

"But mommy said she needs to go to a far place. She asked me to find daddy to take care of me."

Nathan gives the little girl a nasty look. Louisa brought her daughter here and she wants him to be this kid's caretaker? Ha! She's probably dreaming with her eyes open.

After missing for years, Louisa will just send her daughter here without saying anything? Does she think their situation is still the same? That woman is really infuriating! Nathan suddenly wants to see Louisa and give her a piece of his mind.

"Daddy?" The little bun calls him in a sweet voice.

"Tch. Why are you calling me that? I don't have a big daughter like you." Nathan sneered.

He should start teaching this brat properly and not to call him daddy. Nathan has been single for years now. He doesn't have any interest in those women who tried to climb on his bed. Either he will kick them literally or those women will meet their bad endings in this life.

"But mommy said to call you daddy."

"And what makes you think that I am your father? You're ugly."

The little girl looks at him with a surprised expression on her face. Her mouth makes a big 'O' while her unblinking eyes are focused on him. Soon, her lips make a pout and she starts playing with the hem of her dress.

"How can you curse me like that?"

"Hah?! When did I curse you?"

"You called Lulu ugly."

Her voice is full of grievances. She lowers her head and starts playing with her chubby fingers. Assistant Lim quietly let out a sigh. If someone will see her right now, people might think their boss is bullying the little bun right now.

Well, it is not wrong to say that. Their boss is acting all serious while interrogating the little girl in front of him. Assistant Lim is very sure that a normal person will shiver in fear if their boss interrogates them with the famous scowl on his face. Heck, he will also be scared if his boss tries to ask him with his intimidating looks.

But this is the first time Assistant Lim witnessed a person who doesn't feel scared in front of CEO Nathan. And that person is a small child! The assistant really wants to praise that child. She's braver than most of the employees working in this building.

Nathan glares at the little kid before asking her a question again.

"By the way, what's your name?" Nathan asked.

Nathan suddenly remembered that he didn't know what to call this brat. The little kid quickly recovers from moping on the sofa. Her eyes twinkled when Nathan asked for her name.

"I'm Luyela."


"I'm Luyela!" The girl repeated her name.

Nathan looks at Assistant Lim to ask for any clue but he only received a confused look from him.

Seeing the confused look on her daddy, she tilts her head and tries to analyze him. Her daddy probably has problems with hearing. He cannot hear her name properly. He also made her repeat the name of her mommy too.

"What kind of name is that?" Nathan asked. "Is Louisa in her right mind when she's giving your name?"

The response he only gets from the child is a small frown on her face.

"Nevermind. You called yourself Lulu, right?"

The little girl nods her head.

"Mommy said that's my baby name."

"Well, that's better than your weird real name."

"Lulu's name is not weird!" The small bun protested.

"Oh? I don't think so." He replied with a nasty smile on his face. "Not only you're ugly, but your name is also weird."

"Lulu's not ugly and weird!"


"Take it back!"

"You're ugly."

Assistant Lim is looking at his boss with a blank expression. But deep inside, he is criticizing him in his heart. How can he bully a cute child like that? He also did not expect him to be this childish. He's seriously breaking the little girl's self-esteem.

No wonder people are calling you heartless. You are even letting the little girl taste your nasty personality. Assistant Lim thinks he discovered another evil side of his boss.

"Lulu's name is not weird!" She said in a soft but determined voice.

After that, she opens the small backpack on her back. They did not notice her bag since it blended well with her fluffy dress. When she opens the zipper, the things inside suddenly spill and are scattered on the sofa. There are candies, small toys, snacks, and some trinkets that small children like to have.



Lulu tries to put her things back inside the bag. But the zipper of it is now broken. Her bag is not closing no matter how hard she tries. With a pout, the little bun looks at her daddy.

"Daddy, buy me a new bag." She said while cutely dragging her words.

"And why should I do that?" Nathan asked with a raised brow.

"Because you are my daddy."

"How many times do I need to tell you that I'm not—Give me your bag."

Without waiting for the kid's response, Nathan grabs the bag away from the little girl and opens it widely. When he did, the little girl's body sways a little because she was still holding the bag when Nathan grabbed it.


'Boss, can you at least act like a decent person in front of that child? How can you just grab her bag like that?'

Without knowing the thoughts of his secretary, Nathan opens the bag and removes all the things inside until he sees what he's trying to find. There is a pink envelope inside the bag and it's a bit thick too. He shows it to the little girl and asks her about it.

"What is this?" Nathan asked in a serious voice.

"Mommy's letter!" Lulu replied. "She tells me to give it to you later."

"Then why didn't you give it to me soon?!"

"...I forgot."

He suddenly has the urge to shout at this kid but Nathan stops himself. Taking a deep breath, he opens the envelope and checks what's inside of it. There are two letters inside the envelope. The first letter contains the little girl's information.

Name: Luella Fortez

Age: 5 years old

Parent/s: Louisa Fortez

Likes: Her mommy, chocolates, turtles, fried chicken, and sleep

Dislikes: Secret. I know that you'll use it against her.

Note: She is a pure child. A small and cute angel who will give you warmth, love, and care. You better treat her well!

Nathan raised a brow after reading it. Then he looks at Lulu who is now busy eating the choco pie that comes from her bag. Her lips are now smeared with chocolate cream but she's clueless about it. Her cheeks are bulging every time she chews on her snack.

"Assistant Lim, wipe her face." Nathan orders his secretary.

Soon, he opens the second letter.