Damn woman

Zayn Mahendra was really shocked when he saw the woman in the car covered in blood was the only woman he had loved so much five years ago.

With a trembling body and his hands as well, he asked the people around him for help, trying to get out the two people who were still wearing the wedding dress.

The windshield was partially broken, making it easier for Zayn to open the car door. Even though he had to sacrifice his hands, the sharp glass scratched and tore his skin.

"Goddess, hold on. Nothing will happen to you. I will take you to the hospital. Don't leave me, you can't die. I will atone for all my sins to you." Opened the car door and pulled out the woman's unconscious body.

Meanwhile, several other people also tried to get out the groom who was still conscious and whimpering.

Jimmy who could see Zayn removing the body of the Goddess, softly called the name of the man who was once his greatest enemy, "Zayn...."

"Sir, are you still conscious? Don't worry, the ambulance will be here soon," said one of the men who represented the others.

Meanwhile, another man answered. "Seems like this master wants to speak to a man who knows his wife. We'd better bring him near the man and his wife."

Confirming the man's words, they finally brought the groom to the black car because they had brought the bride there.

"Master, it seems this man wants to talk to you."

Zayn who had just laid Dewi body into the back seat of his car, looked at the figure of a man who looked still slightly opened his eyes.

"Jimmy, I'm taking you to the hospital. Don't worry, nothing will happen to you!" Turning to stare at the people who lifted Jimmy body. "Please put him in the front seat because I don't want to waste time waiting for an ambulance."

One of the men who is still lifting the victim's body, expressed his opinion. "Sir, let this man come with me in my car. The victim must be laid down because the position of his head is bleeding a lot. As far as I know, the accident victim should be laid down so that the blood flow smoothly. Instead of something unwanted happening."

Feeling what the man said was true, Zayn nodded his head. "You're right. Then please take my friend to your car. Let's go to the nearest hospital." Zayn approached Jimmy whose face was already very pale. "Hold on, you and your wife will be fine."

Meanwhile, Jimmy, who currently can still see Zayn's face, endured the pain that was getting more and more excruciating. He tried to say something before his vision blurred.

"Please take care of the Goddess for me, Zayn. My life is short. If she survives, please take care of her for the rest of your life."

When Zayn wanted to answer Jimmy's request, he couldn't when he saw that his eyelids were already closed. Now, his heart was beating very fast because his mind was haunted by various kinds of bad thoughts.

He hurriedly ran his hand under Jimmy nose and heart to check for any signs of life there. He was also relieved that Jimmy heart was still beating.

"Hurry up and get them in the car and take them to the hospital!"

"Yes, sir," answered several people who were now starting to carry out orders from the man who knew the victim.

Likewise Zayn who is currently in a hurry to get into his car. However, before that, he gave a message to the people who had lifted Jimmy body.

"Please take care of the perpetrator of the collision until the police arrive because I already contacted the police. That person must pay for his actions that have endangered the lives of others because he is sleepy."

"Okay, sir. We will take care of it," answered several men who had finished helping the victim.

Zayn also thanked some of the people and started driving his car to the hospital.

The atmosphere around the main road area experienced extraordinary traffic jams because Jimmy car overturned and slightly blocked the road, so several people took the initiative to regulate vehicle traffic.

Zayn's luxury car was already driving to the hospital followed by a white car behind him. Every now and then Zayn looked in the rearview mirror to see a woman lying helplessly in the back seat.

"Why do you have such bad luck, Dewi. Hold on. You have to be strong and fight all this. You and Jimmy must live and be happy forever."

Zayn voice was hoarse, indicating that at this moment his feelings were really very turbulent. Not only that, even his eyes were already teary because he couldn't contain the sadness he was feeling. His chest felt so tight that it was hard for him to breathe.

Seeing a very terrible incident in front of the eyes and it turns out that those who experienced it were the people around him and were very well known. It made him feel very shocked and very sad. Moreover, he really loved the figure of the woman he had hurt.

"Protect them, Lord."

A few minutes later, Zayn had entered the nearest hospital area and immediately parked his car in front of the emergency room. He didn't forget that he had shouted to call the nurses to immediately bring a gurney when he opened the back door of the car and saw several nurses who immediately came.

They had helped Zayn to move the body of the woman who was still wearing the wedding dress onto the cot and went straight to the operating room.

Likewise with the groom who had been moved onto a gurney by several male nurses. Zayn who helped push Dewi gurney, saw that the beautiful face was very pale.

"Hold on, honey," Zayn whispered, who couldn't help but call his affection to the woman he loved so much.

Suddenly a few nurses stared at him and he knew that a strange look was directed at him. Until the voice of one of the nurses awakened him from his prolonged sadness.

"You'd better take care of everything first, sir. If you are the guardian of this husband and wife, it's better to sign an affidavit for surgery."

Zayn, who was confused because he had nothing to do with the patient, reflexively grabbed his cell phone. He is now calling his assistant to find out the phone numbers of Jimmy and Dewi parents.

However, when he wanted to do it, the sound of the footsteps of several people running caught his senses of hearing.

He could see Dewi parents and some of Jimmy extended family had arrived at the hospital and made him feel a little relieved and embarrassed when he met these people, especially the middle-aged men and women who he used to believe would be his in-laws.

"Father, Mother, all of you have come. Thank goodness because I just wanted to tell people to tell you," said Zayn who bowed slightly as a sign of respect.

"How are they? How can they have an accident when they are going home. O Allah, what other trials have you given our daughter," Siti Aminah whispered, already in tears.

"All this because of a sleepy truck driver, ma'am. That man must be held responsible by being in prison. I will take care of everything. You'd better sign an affidavit for surgery." Zayn turned to look at Jimmy's mom because he knew that face so often in the newspapers.

"You should also sign the affidavit for your son, Mrs Ravindra."

The middle-aged woman who is still wearing a modern kebaya looks already filled with tears so her face looks puffy.

She, who felt very shocked by the accident of her only son, seemed unable to accept the reality. Feeling very sad and afraid that the only son she had would catch up with her late husband who left first, she couldn't help herself.

"It's all because of your daughter! If my son didn't marry Dewi, none of this would have happened. Your daughter is an unlucky woman! If anything happens to my son, I will really sue all of you!"

The hysterical screams from the mother who was already limp on the floor, immediately made Dewi parents hit. The humiliation by the woman was a slap in the face for those who were self-aware that they were just poor people.

Actually, Supriyan really wanted to repay the insult from the woman because she felt very angry when her daughter was called an unlucky child. However, his hand was held by his wife who shook her head in disapproval.

"Mrs. Ravindra is very shocked and sad. So, we shouldn't take what he said to heart today," Siti Aminah whispered, who immediately turned to look at the open operating room door and she saw the doctor with a gloomy face.

Reflexes everyone immediately rushed to see the doctor. Asking how the condition of a married couple who just got married.

"Doctor, how is my daughter?"

"How is my son, Doctor?"

The doctor, who is currently only observing the sad faces of the two mothers, can only tell what happened.

"It is with great regret that I inform you that...."

To be continued...