
Now Zayn doesn't blink staring at Dewi beautiful face while waiting for the woman answer.

'This is the first time I have to be patient in front of a woman, whereas usually women who are always patient with me are so crazy about me. Unlike this rare woman. If it wasn't for the sake of pride so my cousins ​​and friends wouldn't make fun of me,'


Meanwhile, Dewi, who was still hesitant to accept the offer from the man in front of her, could only choose between her parents or her pride, which she was very proud of.

'Parents… self-respect… parents… self-respect… parents…."

Dewi who counted to five and stopped at the old man's words, finally immediately made a decision that she thought was good.

"Very well, I will accept your offer, but on one condition."

Without intending to think about it first, Zayn reflex immediately agreed by nodding his head.

"Is the condition is money? How much money do you need? I'll transfer it later because I don't have cash with me now. Just state your account number."

The words of the man who looked very relaxed while insulting her pride, made the Dewi want to cancel her agreement, but when she remembered the responsibility to her parents, made her hold back anger.

"I don't need your money, even if I'm just a poor person, that doesn't mean making money the illegal way. You have to respect me as it should. I mean, never get physical touch because this is just a play in front of your cousins."

Meanwhile, Zayn did not expect the condition of the woman who is currently in front of him, could only shake his head.

"So, that's all?"

Dewi immediately frowned because she was surprised by the flat response of a man who seemed to underestimate her condition while maintaining half of her pride that she had.

"Maybe it's not important to you, but very valuable to me. So please respect me as a woman as you respect the mother who gave birth to you."

Zayn observed the appearance of the Dewi from head to toe and continued his taunts.

"Alright… alright, I get it. Who really wants to touch you? Don't worry, you're not my type because you prefer beautiful and sexy women. Not an ugly, skinny woman like you. If there was a big mirror in here, I'd tell you to look in the mirror."

"Even your body is like a wooden plank. Flat and completely out of shape. The chest and buttocks are both flat, how could I be attracted."

Of course, Dewi only responded with a wry smile, even though she felt very annoyed, there was nothing she could do because she realized that what the man in front of her had said was true.

"Thankfully then, now I feel calm."

The heart's intention was to make Dewi feel embarrassed, but hearing the woman answer actually made Zayn feel very annoyed.

"Wow… you are indeed a very extraordinary woman. It's not that you feel embarrassed when a man mocks your appearance, but instead you look very happy. This is the first time I've met a rare woman like you."

Ignoring the ridicule, Dewi had already stepped foot into the study of the man who would become her pretend lover.

Meanwhile, Zayn, who felt his words were ignored, did not blink at the silhouette of a woman who had entered his study. For some reason his curiosity is now getting bigger to be able to conquer the hardness of the heart of a woman who is not at all fascinated by him.

"I really like a challenge and it didn't seem easy to get that woman. Whatever happens, you must be mine. Now you have fallen into my trap. So I just tie you to always be near me. That way, I will be able to find out about your weakness."

Satisfied arguing to himself in his heart, Zayn walked towards his study. Once inside, he saw that Dewi and her cousin had been talking and looked very familiar, like people who had known each other for quite a while.

For some reason, seeing that, he felt very annoyed that Dewi could speak freely with a smile etched on her lips. Wasting no time, Zayn immediately walked over and landed his body.

"What are you talking about? Why do they look like they already know each other? I am being curious."

Actually Dewi was uncomfortable when Zayn sat very close to her because it was only a few centimeters away. However, there was absolutely nothing she could do about it because she wanted to make the male cousin less suspicious.

In the end she just responded by acting normal. When she wanted to answer, the voice of the man she just knew named Rafi made her not open her mouth.

"We're talking about the area that I used to frequent. If I had met her first, she might have been interested in me. It doesn't end up in the hands of a playboy like you," Rafi exclaimed at length while observing the expression on his cousin's face.

Zayn reflex laughed out loud because he felt that Rafi words were very ridiculous. All this time he only knew that his cousin was the type of man who was never close to women.

That's because he's always been a quiet man who doesn't dare to approach women. However, today he was able to speak in such a relaxed manner when dealing with Dewi, so he felt that there was a warning in his mind.

Even now he feels that his cousin will be his rival to get the woman who is very hard to beat.

"Did you eat wrong? Isn't it wrong that you talk like that? Don't you remember when a junior you used to live with ran away from?" Zayn quipped trying to remind his cousin past in college.

Feeling very embarrassed when his past was brought up, Rafi reflexively threw a sofa pillow at Zayn's face.

"Damn it!"

Meanwhile, Dewi, who was very curious about what the two handsome men were talking about, made her unable to hold it in. "What happened between Rafi and his juniors?"

Zayn, who had been able to catch the sofa cushion, turned to look at Dewi. A smirk was evident on his face.

"It seems you are very curious about what happened to Rafi, dear." Glancing briefly at the figure of his cousin who was staring at him sharply. As if to give a code to threaten him not to tell Dewi.

"If you say so, I'll tell you your secret too." Rafi doesn't want to lose when he finds out a secret that has been tightly hidden from women.

Feeling threatened, Zayn immediately clenched his fists. "Just be careful when you say that. I'm really going to kill you right away!"

To be continued...