Pretend to sleep

However, a shake of the head from Dewi again made Zayn feel confused and did not understand what the woman wanted.

It was as if the woman in front of him had succeeded in swaying his feelings.

Dewi hid her hand that was still holding the flower towards the back. "Too bad to throw it away. "I'll put it in my room and think of it as a natural air freshener."

Then Dewi got up from the chair and walked into the room to put a bouquet of flowers on the bed.

Zayn, who was very confused by the casual answer of the woman he really wanted to know where to put the flowers, peeked by standing by the door and smiling slightly when the flowers he gave were now on the bed.

Thinking about the possibility of being hugged by the woman who was currently turning around to walk out.

Zayn hastily sat back down and pretended not to know. In contrast to the feeling that she was very happy when Dewi was no longer being curt towards her.