
The sound of the elevator that had just been heard made Zayn walk out of there and he saw a silhouette of a man with a well-built body and broad shoulders standing in front of the room while looking down at the document in hand.

"Why are you in front of my room so early in the morning?" Zayn asked the personal assistant.

The reflex of the man named Nino turned around and bowed respectfully. "Good morning, President. I have something important to convey. However, I was briefly checking this document before you signed."

Concentrated vision with Zayn's sharp irises, which initially focused on one point, namely the assistant's face, now shifts down to observe some of the documents in that hand.

"We'll talk inside because I'm really very dizzy today."

Zayn opened the door and walked straight to his desk. Seen landing the body roughly on the chair. "Now say what you have to say." Gaze intently at the confidant and start listening to the explanation.